
Aug 12, 2018

Building the Book Pile #266

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Good Morning! I hope that everyone had a wonderful week. I was pretty busy reading, working, and we have family visiting this weekend! Today we are hosting the August Family Dinner with our friends and I am excited to see everyone and catch up - we are all so busy. Over the past few days with family we have visited a place called the Polar Caves, which has rock caves that you can walk through, it was a lot of fun but also kind of scary. We also drove through the White Mountains and saw a bear cub while we were out. We got a bunch of cheese and visited Ben and Jerry's too. It has been a fun few days.

This upcoming week I have SO much reading to get done but also a lot of work at work so it is going to feel extra busy. How are your weekends going? How is this upcoming week looking for you?

If you enjoy the blog and want to share some love and caffeine, you can buy me a coffee via Ko-fi

Share about your week with me in the comments below!

  Giveaways  on Cover2CoverBlog!

More coming tours in the works for the week of the 20th 😜

Coming up on the Blog

Early Reader Review: Poppy and Sam and the Leaf Thief by Cathon (Youth)
Waiting on Wednesday
Recent Reads w/ Giveaway! Everywhere You Want to Be by Christine June (YA)

Books Received this Week

    Begone the Raggedy Witches (The Wild Magic Trilogy #1)    The Moons of Barsk (Barsk, #2)  Dive Smack

For Review:
Begone the Raggedy Witches by Celine Kiernan from Librarything Early Reviewers Program and Candlewick Press for review. 
Harley and Ivy Meet Betty and Veronica by Paul Dini from Netgalley and DC Entertainment 
The Moons of Barsk (Barks #2) by Lawrence Schoen from Tor Books and BookNerd Tours for Blog Tour. 

Dive Smack by Demetra Brodsky (Hardback finalized copy) from the Author and Tor books for helping with the Blog Tour.

Have you missed anything lately?
Happy Reading!

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