
Dec 10, 2017

Building the Book Pile #263

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Another week closer to the end of the year... this is going scary fast. I am almost done my shopping, which feel so nice and this year we have everything wrapped and ready to go so early. I am loving my tree with ALL the gifts under it. We shopped for a lot more people this year and I am full of Christmas cheer! 😜🎄🎁

It was a busy week though and weekend. My introvert self is really needing some reading time in a bathtub. Wednesday I prepped for the Craft Fair and Thursday all day was the Fair. Friday I had to bring the Rolo-dog to the vet (we have been battling an ulcer in his eye), it is finally healed!! We decorated the office yesterday too, spray snow is so much fun - if you haven't played with it, I HIGHLY recommend it.  and today while you are reading this, I am at a friends baby shower... ([heavy breathing]... too much activity for me 😓)

How was your week? Anything fun going on? Share with me in the comments!

  Giveaways  on Cover2CoverBlog!
There are a few going on from Me and the Blog :)

Coming up on the Blog

Happy Holidays from Cover2CoverBlog
Recent Reads: When Santa was a Baby by Linda Bailey (Youth) Recent Reads: In Real Life by Cory Doctorow (Graphic Novel)
Blog Tour w/ Review: Bianca the Brave Frail and Delicate Princess by Meg Dendler (MG) 
Recent Reads: The Lighthouse Santa by Sara Hoagland Hunter (Youth)

No Books Received this Week

Nada, and that is good because I didn't need anymore either :/

Have you missed anything lately?

Week of December 3 -December 9

Comment and leave me a link to your Round-up/ STS/ Weekly...anything, post and I will happily stop by and say hello!
Happy Reading!

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