
Feb 11, 2015

Interview: Leigh Raines, author of We're All Mad Here

Today we are joined by Leigh Raines, the author of We're All Mad Here a New Adult release from French Press Bookworks about a 19 year old trying to figure out life while in college and her realization that everyone is a little crazy. More info on this book after the interview.

Leigh was marvelous enough to answer some questions for us, and I am happy to have her. Hope you all enjoy the interview. 

Welcome to Cover2CoverBlog, thank you for joining us.
First could you tell us a little about yourself?
Leigh Raines
I'm a 29 year old freelance writer living in New York City with my fiancee and french bulldog. A lot of my time is spent with my nephews and nieces, reviewing television shows for work, and reading. "We're All Mad Here"  is something I began working on as a type of therapy about 8 years ago and it evolved over the years.

How did you get into writing? Any tips for aspiring authors?

I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Growing up I was always a better English/History student than Math/Science. In college, I majored in Journalism and took creative writing. The best tip I've ever gotten was to write whenever you feel inspired and don't worry about the direction a story is going. Never start at the beginning. Also, read as much as you can.

Tell us a little about We're All Mad Here. What was your inspiration for the book?
The inspiration was my own experience with anxiety and depression in my sophomore year of college. I didn't feel like there was a novel out around that time that truly dealt with those issues but in a very common way. Anyone is susceptible to going through these issues, no matter their upbringing, background, etc. I wanted to tell that story.

Which came first – the plot or the characters? 

That's hard to say, but probably the characters. I knew what I wanted the characters to go through but not the endgame. Both have evolved over the years through edits and rewrites.

What is your favorite part about the writing process? Do you have a special writing spot?

My favorite part is when I hit a stride and get really excited about a scene. That moment when you brainstorm and have a stream of conscious that flows out onto the page. No special writing spot, I take my laptop to bed a lot (which is terrible for my insomnia.)

Is there anything about you that would surprise your readers?

Hmmm, this is always a tough question. I think since I was born and raised in New York and my story takes place at a college in New England, people would be surprised that my family has a second home in Georgia and I always had a secret desire to live in the south.

If you could spend time with any author, who would it be and why?

No way could I narrow it down to just one!!! How about five? Lesley Jones, Colleen Hoover, Tarryn Fisher, Abbi Glines, and Jamie McGuire. "Beautiful Disaster" was the first book that I read in the New Adult genre and it opened this whole world to me.

What do you have planned next? Are you working on anything currently?

I would love to do a spin off on each of the main girls. I've worked a little on Ella's book, but right now I'm mainly focusing on WAMH.

 What are you reading right now? Do you have any book recommendations for the young adult/ new adult reader?

Beautiful Redemption (The Maddox Brothers, #2)My Unexpected Forever (The Beaumont Series, #2)Right now I'm finishing up "My Unexpected Forever" by Heidi McLaughlin. Admittedly I'll be re-reading 50 Shades before I see it this week. (how could I not!) Up next I have "Beautiful Redemption" by Jamie McGuire, "Fuel the Fire" by Becca and Krista Ritchie, and "Slow Burn" by Kristy Bromberg. February is shaping up! What I'm dying for is the second part of "Never, Never" by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. Those are two talented women.


We're All Mad HereWe're All Mad Here by Leigh Raines
Publisher: French Press Bookworks
Publication Date:  December 10, 2014

Genre: New Adult 

Goodreads Synopsis: 
Jade Thompson had the kind of adolescence you would find in a Norman Rockwell painting. But at 19-years-old when her seemingly normal life is flipped on its head, she's forced to take a closer look at the relationships in her life and the decisions she has made.

It feels as if she has fallen down a rabbit hole. As she returns to college and stumbles through her new reality, she finds herself more than a little lost. With the help of her three closest friends, we spend the year with Jade through her ups and downs where she discovers everyone is a little bit mad in the world.

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