
Feb 10, 2015

Blog Tour: Review and Giveaways! -- Taking Chances by Rita and TJ Webb

Taking Chances by Rita Webb and T.J. Webb
(Paranormal Investigations #2)
Publication date: January 7th 2015
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal Romance
About the Book:
How far would you go to save a friend?

People are going missing in Kodiak, Alaska.

The evidence: bloody bear prints larger than any bear Jason or Emma have ever seen and black ooze that can eat the flesh from bones.

Bears don’t wander into busy shopping districts, turn off security alarms, and break into stores. When Emma’s friend goes missing, Jason and Emma realize the cops aren’t up to handling the situation.

Something’s wrong in the paranormal world. Can Jason and Emma fix things before someone else gets hurt?

WOW, just WOW! I really enjoyed Playing Hooky, but this book was AMAZING! I had so much fun with Emma and Jason and loved the alternating point of views, they were great for this tale. 

Emma is faced with a missing sister and now she is home dealing with her distraught parents, missing girls in the town, and an influx of supernatural beings. Jason is trying to figure out who/what he is and on top of that he wants to know why all the girls are missing. They work together with a spectacular cast of characters to solve the mystery and try to save the girls. What I think is great about this series is that, it is called the 'Paranormal Investigations' series - an normally what you get with such a series is a lot of non-related mysteries solved by the same people - here you are getting a bigger and better story with each mystery and I adore that.

What I loved most about this book was the romance, Jason is wonderful to Emma and I swoon over that. Their interactions are adorable and I love reading about characters being in love - it is wwonderful, especially around Valentine's Day (I am a sucker, I know it). And I won't spoil it, but there are huge plot bombs dropped throughout this book about Emma and Angelina that were OMG moments for me - I definitely didn't see them coming (and normally I am pretty good at that).

This book is for a more mature audience as it does have some sexual content, but it is done very tastefully. It also is a pretty short book, which I read in one sitting, and it had a wonderful flow and the plot was deep enough to keep me reading. I am very interested to see where this series is going - there is a lot of plot development left to come and I am super excited about it all.

Fan of paranormal romance and an New Adult reader, you should pick this one up. It is a lot of fun for a quick read.

Where to buy it! 
(The entire series will be free from Feb 9th to the 13th) for Playing Hooky (Book #1) for Breaking Angelina (Book #1.5) for Taking Chances (Book #2)

Blog Giveaway!
Signed Copy of Taking Chances
 Open to US and Canada only. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour-Wide Giveaway!
Dragon Earcuff
 Open to US and Canada only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway  

About the Authors
Our adventure started with a camping trip and a bottle of whiskey. Apparently Rita is a scary monster, and TJ needed liquid courage to give her that first kiss.

When not fighting over who gets to read our favorite books first, we’re swapping kisses, plot ideas, and movie quotes in the kitchen.

Together, we home-school our three girls, who keep us busy with art, science projects, books to read, dance classes, and walks about the park.

Come play a little hooky with us by getting our first book for free on our website: 

Find the Authors


  1. Great review, Steph! I haven't read Playing Hooky but it sounds like a great series and very character driven which is the most important part for me! I love how well written and chemistry filled the romance sounds, too!

  2. Wonderful review. Thank you for featuring Taking Chances. A terrific series. All 5 star!

  3. Thank you so much for the review, Steph! <3 We really appreciate your feedback and support.

  4. Love the review! This series is amazing!

  5. I read them all! At first I wasn't too thrilled but now the series has developed stronger and gotten better! I can't wait for more!
