
Jun 5, 2023

Monthly Re-Cap (April and May 23) & TBR Pile (June 23)

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Here is the progress from April - it was bad. My reading slump coupled with a conference and a family visit limited my reading. 

For May, I decided not to have a TBR and just read books I needed to review and for my mood. I think it worked out well. Now I need to get back to it.

~~Books I Read in April & May 2023~~  

~~Links to Some Reviews~~

 TBR for June

  1. Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo - need to finish and pick a new book club book!
  2. The Lost Galumpus by Joseph Helgerson
  3. Neon Gods by Katee Robert
  4. Mystery of the Lost Lynx by Tamra Wight - I need to finish this one!
  5. Love & Resistance by Kara H.L. Chen
  6. A Circle of Stars by Craig Montgomery

How was your May reading? 
Feel free to share it in the comments below! I would love to know what you are reading!

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