
Jun 29, 2023

Early Reader Review: A Circle of Stars by Craig Montgomery

Source: From the Author in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review. 

A Circle of Stars by Craig Montgomery 
Series: The Stardust Duology #1
Publication Date:  June 16, 2023

Format: Ebook


Goodreads Synopsis: 
Sometimes you have to leave home to find it…

All Casper Bell has ever wanted is to belong. But now, abandoned by his friends and family after being outed, he has nothing left to lose when the people of Novilem abduct him.

Except Earth.

Teleported to a world where stars grant humans magic, Casper discovers he has the rare ability to draw power from all twelve astrological signs — a gift that makes him a political pawn for the Estellar Council.

But Novilem’s inhabitants seem as hard and cold as the stone their city
is carved from, and Casper’s new role leaves him more isolated than ever. Until he meets the grandson of the council’s most powerful woman. Helix is kind, playful, and heartbreakingly handsome, yet it’s how Helix makes him feel that gives Casper hope.

As rebellion brinks in the city, even the Council starts to fracture, reaching for extreme measures that could cost Casper not only his newfound abilities, but the first place he has ever wanted to call home. Together with Helix, he must uncover the secrets of his full potential — because the survival of Novilem hinges on Casper’s powers, whether he’s using them or not.

Set inside a hidden lunar city, where astrology is magic and your birth sign defines your social status, A Circle of Stars is a queer young adult fantasy filled with political intrigue and romance.
I thought this was an adult sci-fi when I was reading, and now that I am am seeing it as a young adult genre sci-fi... it makes more sense. I am not sure how that got jumbled in my head. Either way I really enjoyed this read, but more makes sense now.

This book is a science fiction/fantasy about a young queer guy who is kidnapped to another planet to be their savior of sorts. Casper, was finishing high school and got kicked out of his home and disowned for being gay, but lucky for him in some ways, he was picked up by some people because he has the ability to see and use magic. The people of Novilem abduct him and teach him about their magic of the Zodiac houses and he learns that he can harness them all. Capser has been though a lot and shows a lot of strength throughout this book, however at times he is vulnerable and not sure the path he should take. 

I liked the magic system in this book a lot, the houses of the zodiac, all have differing powers and levels that they are in, much like a caste system. I liked the magic part - not the turmoil that the caste system brings upon this plot. The plot itself was really interesting. Sci-fi isn't really my cup of tea but this story kept me interested and I liked the characters a lot. It is told in multiple POV, so you seem more of the overall picture coming together as the reader. 

The middle was a bit off for me though, it was as if this wanted to be an adult story at the beginning and end, but the middle was teh chance for the YA parts. Casper was suddenly very opinionated and whiney and it was a lot. For a while there, I wanted to punch him in the face rather then see him succeed. 

Overall, I liked this book for the diverse cast, the MM queer relationship rep, and the magic system. I found it lacking a bit in the middle but it was a good first book. 

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