
Mar 23, 2023

Recent Reads: Ruthless Villains by Marion Blackwood

Ruthless Villains by Marion Blackwood 
Series: Ruthless Villains #1
Publisher: Black Dagger Publishing
Publication Date:  October 24, 2022

Format: Ebook
Source: Borrowed - Kindle Unlimited.


Goodreads Synopsis: 
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. It is the person whose heart I want to cut out.

In a world where magic is distributed equally, there are some people who refuse to share their power. Dark mages. Lethal. Selfish. And utterly without morals.

Audrey Sable is one of them. As a poison mage, she can bring men to their knees with a flick of her wrist. But the man she really wants to kill will not go down so easily. Callan Blackwell is also a powerful dark mage, and he would like nothing better than to see Audrey beg for mercy at his feet. But their hatred for one another will have to wait.

When the heroic champions of equality prepare to launch an attack that will wipe out the remaining dark mages, Audrey and Callan are forced to put their war on hold and instead work together. They have one chance to stop the self-righteous heroes before it is too late, but their mutual animosity is bound to get in the way of the mission. And the problem with blazing feelings like hatred is that it only takes one spark to turn it into burning passion.

Audrey and Callan's temporary union is undoubtedly a dangerous one. To the world. And most of all, to their own ruthless hearts.
I found this book on Kindle Unlimited and picked it up, it is pretty much all steam with some plot. The story follows dark mages who are fighting to ensure they can keep their powers. Audrey and Callan are feuding mages, and they are literally trying to kill each other but when there is a threat on their livelihood they are asked to work together for a little while to ensure the threat is nullified. Although they loathe each other, they work together and pretend to be a couple in order to finish the task at hand. 

Audrey is impulsive and bold, and Callan is strong and determined and they are both super stubborn leading to hilarious sexy altercations and interactions, if that isn’t your jam, I understand, but it was funny. 

The plot was overall ok, it was an enemies to lovers to enemies situation that I think was done ok, there was enough of a plot to make their togetherness somewhat a thing… that being said the writing is pretty bad and there were even some minor errors. This is the first in a series, and leaves the reader on a cliffhanger, so there is enough for me to continue the series if I have the time. I am not totally sold on that yet. 

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