
Oct 25, 2022

Recent Reads: The Way Back Home by Courtney Peppernell

The Way Back Home by Courtney Peppernell   
Publisher:  Andrews McMeel Publishing
Publication Date:  August 23, 2022

Format: Paperback
Source: Bought/Own


Goodreads Synopsis: 
When a dark storm settled upon the earth, you lost many things—your hope, your strength, yourself. One day, in the middle of the darkness, you meet a spirit, washed from the ocean onto the shore. The spirit hands you a key.
It is time to find the way back home.

Returning with her newest poetry book, beloved poet Courtney Peppernell combines storytelling, poetry, and prose in a uniquely inspirational way. Filled with heartfelt anecdotes and insightful messages, The Way Back Home is a tribute to rebuilding our lives after loss. Divided into sections that draw on themes of courage, resilience, purpose, and hope, the collection has Peppernell once again walking us through a redemptive journey of the heart, mind, and soul.
Discover what it means to continue forward in life, despite all the challenges we face, to find the way back home.
I was not sure what to expect from this book, but the cover was adorable, and the synopsis was interesting. I don't read a lot of poetry but sometimes a book just calls out to you, and you don't know why, and that is what happened here. 

This book is about loss and each section is about rebuilding yourself after loss. I have had a lot of loss in the past few years and so it seemed fitting, and the poems hit close to home for me. 

The book itself is broken up into sections including courage, support, strength, resilience, love, purpose, and faith. The poems talk about loss, loss of self, depression and grief but also how to re-love the world, life and self. The book showcases cure illustrations at each section start and while hard-hitting in theme, it was also a comfort in some ways. 

Overall, I enjoyed the book and if you are looking fro some poetry, you might think about picking this one up. 

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