
Jan 6, 2019

Building the Book Pile #286

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Happy New Year readers! I am really trying to get back into the swing of things after a break from work and having no real responsibilities for a while there. Luckily, we had a short work week because it was exhausting. 

I am doing the 'normal' thing for the new year and going with a 'be healthier' resolution, so I have been trying to exercise some, eating a bit better, and limiting my coffee (this one is SO HARD! and I also hate it). I am only a few days in and it seems to be ok, just need to create a new routine and stick to it.

How was your first week of the new year? Any resolutions?

If you enjoy the blog and want to share some love and caffeine, you can buy me a coffee via Ko-fi

Share about your week with me in the comments below!

  Giveaways  on Cover2CoverBlog! 
None right now. More coming soon...

Coming up on the Blog

New Year, New You! Books to Help
Waiting on Wednesday
Early Reader Review: Shield of Nike by A.P. Mobley (MG, Series Companion)

Books Received this Week 

The Art of Hand Lettering for Beginners: Beautiful Projects and Essential Techniques

The Art of Hand Lettering for Beginners by Joanna Munoz from the publisher for review.

Have you missed anything lately?

Comment and leave me a link to your Round-up/ STS/ Weekly...anything, post and I will happily stop by and say hello!
Happy Reading!

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