
Aug 21, 2018

Blog Tour: Guest Post - Choosing Books For Your Kids by Fiona Ingram

Fiona Ingram’s

The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper

About the Book

A plane crash! Lost in the jungle! Hunted by their old enemy, will Adam, Justin, and Kim survive long enough to find the Third Stone of Power? With only a young boy, Tukum, as their guide, the kids make their way through the dense and dangerous jungle to find the lost city of stone gods, where the Stone of Power might be located. River rafting on a crocodile-infested river and evading predators are just part of this hazardous task. Of course, their old adversary Dr. Khalid is close behind as the kids press on. But he is not the worst of their problems. This time Adam will clash with a terrible enemy who adopts the persona of an evil Aztec god, Tezcatlipoca, and is keen to revive the ancient tradition of human sacrifice. Adam, Justin, and Tukum must play a dreadful ball game of life and death and maybe survive. Will they emerge alive from the jungle? Will Dr. Khalid find the third Stone of Power before they do?

Print Length: 318 Pages
Genre: Middle Grade Fiction, Adventure
Publisher: Bublish, Incorporated (November 2017)
ISBN: 978-1946229465

The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper is available to purchase on 

Choosing Books for Your Kids by Fiona Ingram 
Choosing books wisely for a child is important because young children are impressionable. If your child is familiar with reading and books from an early age, they will probably grow up with an interest in books, and a respect for reading. What many parents don’t realize is that enjoyment of reading is not automatic; it is learned by association. When a parent reads with a child, that feeling of togetherness, that special time, creates in the child a sense of enjoyment that they then associate with reading, and thus as they grow up, reading is associated with pleasure. This will create a solid foundation in their literacy and education skills and possibly even influence their life and career choices.
Children usually begin to read around the ages of four to six. A child may even begin earlier, especially if the parent has formed a habit of bedtime reading with the child.
However, many parents may not know how to choose age appropriate books for their child. Good bookshops will be able to advise, and don’t forget to tap into the experience of your local librarian. Publishers of children’s books generally have excellent resources on their web sites to advise parents on suitability of titles. Choose books for your child around their age, interests, and the type of books they have already read and enjoyed. As they get older, let them make their own choices and start to formulate their own opinions. Make reading exciting by exploring great stories together from an early age!
Ages 0-5 (Preschool)
In this age group, children need interesting stimulation and colorful visuals to promote vision and identification with objects, people, and animals. Board books, fabric books, pop-up books, and picture books are loads of fun to share with Mom and Dad. Examples: Slippers, Sunny Days & Starry Nights, and Leon the Lizard.
Ages 7-9 (Chapter)
Chapter books are the next step for this age group. Chapters are usually short with exciting story lines, and the beginnings of more complex character and plot development. Parents can also encourage their children to think beyond the story by asking the child’s opinion of the characters’ actions and choices. Children can also retell the story to the parent in their own words. In this way, parents can track their child’s development of logic, memory, and comprehension skills. Illustrations will help the child appreciate and remember the story. Examples: The Spiderwick Chronicles, The Witches, Hero.
Ages 10+ (Middle grade+)
Now children begin to enjoy more complex themes and character developments, as well as elements in the characters to which they can relate. They like characters that are children solving problems, or children with problems, and start to form a moral, ethical, and emotional picture of the world. They will also begin to make their own reading choices. Your child will love reading if books capture the child’s attention. Examples: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson.
Problematic Themes
Sexuality and violence are worrying themes. The older the child the more independent they will be regarding book choices. From teen and YA years, choices will be up to the individual. By then the child’s upbringing and moral training will help them make their own decisions. Concerned parents should watch what their teen is reading but remain open to discussing controversial issues. Popular teen/YA choices include The Hunger Games, Inheritance Cycle, and the Twilight series.
Publishing houses categorize book lists on their web sites. A local librarian can also advise on appropriate choices if a parent is concerned. Most children read up so allow your child to select a more advanced book than usual for their age group. Above all, let your child explore and find the books that they love!
About the Author
Fiona Ingram is a children’s author, but up until a few years ago, she was a journalist and editor. Something rather unexpected sparked her new career as an author—a family trip to Egypt with her mother and two young nephews. They had a great time and she thought she’d write them a short story as a different kind of souvenir…. Well, one book and a planned book series later, she had changed careers. She has now published Book 3 (The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper) in her middle grade adventure series Chronicles of the Stone, with many awards for the first book, The Secret of the Sacred Scarab, and a few for Book 2, The Search for the Stone of Excalibur, and one already for Book 3! She also teaches online novel writing for aspiring authors and she finds that very satisfying. Relaxation time finds her enjoying something creative or artistic, music, books, theatre or ballet. She loves doing research for her book series. Fiona loves animals and has written two animal rescue stories. She has two adorable (naughty) little dogs called Chloe and Pumpkin, and a beautiful black cat called Bertie.

Find the Author

Blog Tour Dates

August 13 @ The Muffin
What goes better in the morning with coffee than a muffin? Grab your cup of morning brew and join us today when we celebrate the launch of Fiona Ingram's book, The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.  You can read our interview with the author and enter to win a copy of the book.

August 14th @ Write Like Crazy
Make sure you stop by Mary Jo's blog Write Like Crazy where Fiona Ingram talks about why your child doesn't like reading and how to fix this.

August 15th @ Girl Zombie Authors
Come by Christine's blog where Fiona Ingram shares her thoughts on writing about different places for kids.

August 16th @ Jessica Samuel's Blog
Come by Jessica's blog today where Fiona Ingram talks about how to transform your non-reader into a reader.

August 19th @ Madeline Sharples' Blog
Stop by Madeline's blog today where author Fiona Ingram shares her thoughts with young writers on writing and creating characters.

August 20th @ Mari's #JournalingPower Blog
Stop by Mari's blog where author Fiona Ingram shares her thoughts on developing characters that children will relate to.

August 20th @ Bairn's Bard
Stop by Rebecca's blog Bairn's Bard today where you can read a post by Fiona Ingram's daughter and also you can read about Rebecca's thoughts on the book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

August 21st @ Cover2Cover Blog
Stop by Steph's Cover2Cover where you can read Fiona Ingram's blog post about choosing books for your kids.

August 22nd @ Look to the Western Sky
Come by Margo Dill's blog Look to the Western Sky where Fiona Ingram writes about her experiences fostering (and later adopting) an illiterate African child who is now a lovely young woman who loves reading.

August 22nd @ A New Look on Books
Come by Rae's blog where Fiona Ingram writes about the joy of writing for children.

August 26th @ Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi
Come by Karen's blog where Fiona Ingram shares her thoughts on how to encourage your kids to start writing.

August 27th @ Mommy Daze: Say What??
Stop by Ashley's blog where Fiona Ingram talks about helping kids read better with homeschooling. A must read as school is about to start!

August 27th @ Rebecca Whitman's Blog
Come by Rebecca's blog where you can read Fiona Ingram's post about using computers to improve reading skills.

August 28th @ Jennifer's Deals
Stop by Jennifer's blog where she shares what she her thoughts about Fiona Ingram's incredible middle grade adventure book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

August 29th @ Jill Sheets Blog
Stop by Jill's blog where she reviews The Temple of the  Crystal Timekeeper and shares what she thinks about the book.

August 30th @ Story Teller Alley
Visit Veronica's blog and check out her thoughts on the book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

August 31st @ Mommy Daze: Say What??
Make sure you stop by Ashley's blog again where she shares her thoughts on Fiona Ingram's book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

August 31st @ Rebecca Whitman's Blog
Stop by Rebecca's blog again where you can read Fiona Ingram's post about writing a children series.

September 1st @ Cathy C. Hall's Blog
Visit Cathy's blog today where Fiona Ingram shares the top ten things you never knew about Mexico!

September 2nd @ Break Even Books
Come by Erik's blog Break Even Books where Fiona Ingram talks about how to make your books both enjoyable and educational.

September 3rd @ Beverly A. Baird's Blog
Join us over at Beverly A. Barid's blog where author Fiona Ingram shares her thoughts on developing a children's series.

September 4th @ Cathy C. Hall's Blog
Make sure to come by Cathy's blog again where she shares her thoughts on Fiona Ingram's book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

September 5th @ Jill Sheet's Blog
Come by Jill's blog today where Fiona Ingram shares her thoughts on writing for children.

September 5th @ Ali's Bookshelf
Stop by Ali's blog where Fiona Ingram talks about whether books can help children cope with life.

September 7th @ Beverly A. Baird's Blog
Join us at Beverly's blog again for her thoughts on Fiona Ingram's adventurous book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

September 7th @ Anthony Avina's Blog
Stop by Anthony's Blog where you can read Fiona Ingram's post about why a book series is so good for non-readers.

September 9th @ Anthony Avina's Blog
Make sure to check out Anthony's blog again where you can read his thoughts on Fiona Ingram's book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

September 10th @ Misadventures with Andi
Come by Andi's blog where you can read Fiona Ingram's post about why children love reading about other countries and cultures.

September 10th @ Whitman's Academics
Stop by Rebecca's blog where Fiona Ingram's talks about turning a non-reader into a reader.

September 12th@ Coffee with Lacey
Stop by Lacey's blog where she reviews Fiona Ingram's book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

September 13th @ Coffee With Lacey
Be sure to stop by again when Lacey interviews author Fiona Ingram and chats about her newest book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

September 14th @ World of My Imagination
Come by Nicole's blog where she shares her opinion about Fiona Ingram's middle grade fiction book The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.

September 15th @ Story Teller Alley
Stop by Veronica's blog Story Teller Alley to read Fiona Ingram's post on how she came about to write the series The Chronicles of the Stone. 

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