
Jun 28, 2018

Recent Reads: The Old Man by Sarah V. and Claude Dubois

 Source: From Librarything Early Reviewers and Gecko Press in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review.

36322141The Old Man by Sarah V & Claude Dubois
Publisher: Gecko Press
Publication Date:  April 1, 2018

Format:  Hardback



Goodreads Synopsis: 
Day breaks over the town. Wake up, everybody! It’s time to go to school. It’s time for the old man to get up, too. The night was icy and he’s hungry. His name? He no longer knows…
This is the story of a person with no job, no family, no home—a nobody, who can’t even remember his name. But his day changes when he is noticed by a child.
Drawn in soft, watercolour pencil, this is an important story for our times. This gentle, compelling book will appeal to children’s sense of justice and to every reader’s compassion. For the old man, too, it’s time to get up. Hey, it’s Crocket! Crocket’s hungry, too
The Old Man is a heartwarming tale about how the littlest of things can change your day, your happiness and even your life for a bit. The book is mostly watercolor images with some brief text. You follow a little girl getting ready for her day, but most of the day you follow a homeless man and his struggles. The book is very well done and I think it will and can be a good teaching too. Sometimes explaining harsh realities can be tough for parents and this book lends a hand to start the subject. 

The images were very loose and sketchy and really added to the dusty dirty emotion and situation of the sad older man, I really thought this was a delightful little book for one that covered such a sad topic.

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