
Jun 24, 2018

Building the Book Pile #259

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

Hello from past Stephanie... While you are reading this, I am probably on my way home from camping and too exhausted to even think about blogging. So I figured I would pre-prep this post and then later in the week share the camping fun-time stories.

I worked two days this past week and they were long ones, but I got a LOT done before leaving and that was great! On Monday, the hubs and I were good townspeople and went to a forum about the Town Plan. On Tuesday, we had dinner with my bestie at Denny's (I LOOOOOVE Denny's) for a pre-birthday night and then on Wednesday we had a day to finish up store runs and packing and get Rolo's nails clipped (he doesn't let me do them - suck a pain) and then we had dinner with friends. It was a busy week before riding off to Maine. I am in the van full of stuff and the boys are on their bikes... next time I will be too (fingers crossed).

Share about your week with me in the comments below!

  Giveaways  on Cover2CoverBlog!  ttps://

Coming up on the Blog

Blog Blast w/ Giveaway!  Twospells by Mark Morrison (MG)
Recent Reads: Twospells by Mark Morrison (MG)
Blog Tour w/ Review: Divesmack by Demetra Brodsky (YA)
Recent Reads: The Old Man by Sarah and Claude Dubois (Youth) 
Recent Reads: Skooter Girl by Danielle Mac (YA, GN)
Monthly Re-Cap: June 2018

Books Received this Week

Lady Mechanika, Vol. 4: Clockwork Assassin 
Lady Mechanika Vol. 4: The Clockwork Assassin by Joe Benitez and M.M. Chen from Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors for review.

Have you missed anything lately?

Happy Reading!

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