
Jun 4, 2017

Building the Book Pile #147

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 
Morning All! Family is in town for the next few days... so blog might be a bit slow. Also I did A LOT last week... I had posts prepped AND then remembered it was Armchair Book Expo week so I had double posts! It was fun, but so much work, so I am tired this week.

It was the end of the term at work so that took over too. I am glad that it is officially summer know. Summer schedules start on the 12th so YAY 4 day weeks! - So close!

Overall though it was a great week. Lots of connecting with authors and bloggers online and love all the pics from people at Book Expo (just very jealous).

This post is also my Armchair Book Expo Wrap-Up. 

Feel free to stop by some posts!
How was your week? Any book recommendations for me?

  Giveaways  on Cover2CoverBlog!

Coming up on the Blog

Early Reader Review: Lady Mechanica and the Lost Boys of West Abbey (Volume 3) by MM Chen and Joe Benitez (GN)
Recent Reads: Get It Together, Delilah! by Erin Gough (YA)
Sourcebooks Jabberwocky Summer Reads w/ Giveaway! 
Recent Reads: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (Adult)

Books Received this Week

Of Cats and Men: Profiles of History's Great Cat-loving Artists, Writers, Thinkers, and Statesmen

Of Cats and Men by Sam Kalda from Blogging for Books for Review

Have you missed anything lately?

Week of May 28  - June 3

Comment and leave me a link to your Round-up/ STS/ Weekly...anything, post and I will happily stop by and say hello!
Happy Reading!

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