
Sep 14, 2016

Bloggiesta 2016: To Do List

"The idea behind Bloggiesta is to spend four days working on perfecting your blog and connecting with other bloggers who are doing the same thing. Spread the word and get all your friends to come and fiesta with us!"
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Bloggiesta Fall 2016 Officially Starts THIS THURSDAY, September 15th and will run until the 18th. Get your To-Do Lists ready!
YAY it is another Bloggiesta!!! Now to do all the things I avoid normally :/

So for my list I would like to do the following, as I complete items I will be using strikethrough:
  • Back up the blog
  • Update my "Reviews by Author" Tab - DONE! [breathes heavily] I hate this task :/
  • Update my TBR spreadsheet - I do this normally but I need to clean it up again.
  • Clean up my inbox
  • Cross post reviews to Goodreads/ Amazon/ Librarything as needed. - did what I could for now.
  • Participate in a Twitter Party -I WAS THERE - YAY!
    • The deets (#bloggiesta @bloggiesta):
      • Thursday September 15 @ 5pm EST: Starting Line Chat! Discussing what we hope to accomplish! Led by Lexie at For the Sake of Reading 
      • Friday September 16 @ 9pm EST: Topic Coming Soon! Led by Emily at Emily Reads Everything   
      • Saturday September 17 @ 9pm EST: Editorial Calendars and Getting Organized! Led by Crystal at Sharing Life’s Moments 
      • Sunday September 18 @ 8pm EST: Finish Line Chat! What we learned and crossed off our to-do lists! Led by MC at Blame It On The Books
  • Do some mini challenges 
    • Got some great ideas to incorporate later from Jeanne about Wrap Up posts
    • OMG I WANT A BULLET JOURNAL! (I also would love an Erin Condrin Life Planner) but I already have my beautiful Levenger disc planner and I use that for my Planning so I have to stick it out. I am a planner addict though!
  • Prep some reviews
  • Visit as many Bloggiesta blogs as possible (IF NOT ALL) to cheer people on :)- DONE up to #40 in the linky (if I found your list)

Added Items:
If there are any other things I think of or find on another bloggers list I will add them here :)
  • Add Alphabet Jumps to Reviews by Author - it is getting a bit too long to scroll through. 

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