
May 11, 2016

Armchair BEA 2016: Introduction

Armchair BEA Headquarters

Morning Everyone! Today kicks off Armchair BEA 2016, the online event for those of us not at BEA (crying inside...) but want to have a blast anyway. 

We start off today with Introductions and Diversity in Books - see the full agenda HERE 


1.  What is the name you prefer to use?
Stephanie/ Steph/ Gorelenore (online)

2.  How long have you been a book blogger?

hm.... it feels like forever (but in a good way), but only for about 4-5 years

3.  Have you participated in ABEA before?

YES! and I love it and I help run it :P because I love it SO much!

  Other Stuff!
Do you have a favorite book? ... Yup
What is your favorite genre and why?
YA - because it takes me to a different world when I am stressed about having to be an 'adult'

 If you could recommend one other book blogger, who would it be and why?
Oh that is a fun one - I love seeing what Angela over at Angela's Anxious Life is doing. She is a great blogger in the community, if you don't already know her - you should. She is so nice and I love her content and she is an awesome commenter :P

Which day of ABEA are you looking forward to the most?
Beyond the Blog - I'm a nerd so that one should be really entertaining for readers :)

How do you arrange your bookshelves? Is there a rhyme or reason? Or not at all? (#ABEAShelfie)
I will be sharing a shelfie but I am at work typing this post so it will have to come later. I arrange by genre - YA/ MG/ Adult then by author last name - pretty traditional I know, but I am a bit OCD so any other way hurts my head and heart. I envy all the people that have rainbow shelves.

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