
Dec 24, 2015

Early Reader Review: Christmas at Lilac Cottage by Holly Martin

Source: Netgalley and Bookouture in exchange for an honest review. Receiving this book in no way alters my opinion or review.

Christmas at Lilac Cottage (White Cliff Bay #1)Christmas at Lilac Cottage by Holly Martin
Series:White Cliff Bay #1
Publisher: Bookouture
Publication Date:  September 25, 2015


Format: Ebook



Goodreads Synopsis: 
Welcome to the charming seaside town of White Cliff Bay, where Christmas is magical and love is in the air…

Penny Meadows loves her home – a cosy cottage decorated with pretty twinkling fairy lights and stunning views over the town of White Cliff Bay. She also loves her job as an ice-carver, creating breathtaking sculptures. Yet her personal life seems frozen.

When Henry and daughter Daisy arrive at the cottage to rent the annex, Penny is determined to make them feel welcome. But while Daisy is friendly, Henry seems guarded.

As Penny gets to know Henry, she realises there is more to him than meets the eye. And the connection between them is too strong to ignore…

While the spirit of the season sprinkles its magic over the seaside town and preparations for the ice sculpting competition and Christmas eve ball are in full swing, can Penny melt the ice and allow love in her heart? And will this finally be the perfect Christmas she’s been dreaming of?

Like a creamy hot chocolate with marshmallows, you won’t want to put this deliciously heartwarming novel down.

Spend the perfect Christmas in White Cliff Bay this year. Snowflakes on Silver Cove coming very soon.
The cover of this book is spot on, Christmas at Lilac Cottage was a cozy, romantic holiday read. This book really swept me up into it, I read it in about 2 sittings and it was only broken up into 2 due to some errands. The story is told in alternating point of views - Penny and Henry and how they interact with one another in White Cliff Bay. Penny has been hurt in the past ans has been avoiding live for far too ling, then comes Henry to rent part of her house and she gets swept away by how charming and moody he is, not to mention swoon-worthy. Henry is a nice looking man trying to adapt to a new place and not really wanted to settle down into anything too serious but Penny takes him off guard.

This story was wonderfully built: the characters were fun to read, I never felt the need to skip over anyone's parts (sometimes that happens I am sad to say), the plot kept me wanting to read and see how it would end. All the characters were fun and I really liked them. I loved that the plot was set around Christmas time and all the festivities that happen during the holidays. I really thought he book was funny and well done. I don't read romance often but this was very tasteful and very enjoyable.


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