
Nov 20, 2015

Blogger Pet Profiles!! - ROLO

Hello lovely readers/ bloggers...

I have realized through my years of blogging that so many of us have pets and they are all adorable and should be shared with the internet world! My pets are my reading buddies and I love them like they are children. 

Here is your chance to share your lovely companions during this holiday time when we are sharing what we are oh so thankful for.

I have 4 pets and will be doing 3 posts to share them with you - there may even be a Linky too - if you are interested in posting and sharing your marvelous pets! 

So this is ROLO ...

Rolo is a French Bulldog/ Boston Terrier mix and his mother's name was Candy so all the puppies had candy-themed names. We did get him from a breeder but he was kind of the runt and when we were looking for a dog he was the last of his litter and no one wanted him. Frenchies and Bostons are known for there popped ears - they are naturally like that, but one of Rolo's had not popped and so he was not what most wanted. We didn't care and took him into our home and almost immediately his ears were fine. :) not that we would have cared :)

Frenchies were bred as companion dogs and Rolo is just that, he is like a shadow and will not settle until you do - no matter what. I adore him.  This year he will turn 7 in December.

Here is Puppy Rolo...


This was his ride home with us after picking him up...

...bringin home a baby bumble bee.... he hates this costume, although he LOVES shirts and sweaters.

Here are some of Rolo older...
He also loves his coats, he has a winter one and a raincoat. He hates being wet so we appease him :) - I know, I spoil him so much!


And here are just some other cutes...

 Do you want a linky? Let me know :)

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