
Oct 2, 2015

Early Reader Review: The Unquiet Past by Kelley Armstrong

Disclaimer: From Librarything Early Reviewers and Orca Book Publishers in exchange for an honest review. Receiving this book in no way altered my opinion or review.
The Unquiet Past by Kelley Armstrong
The Unquiet Past (Secrets)Series: Secrets
Publisher: Orca Book Publishers
Publication Date:  September 29, 2015


Format: Paperback ARC



Goodreads Synopsis: 
You can only hide from the truth for so long.

Tess has always been tormented by waking visions that make her question her sanity. When the orphanage she lives in burns down, she decides to face her fears and find out once and for all what is wrong with her. She believes the truth must lie with her parents, and so, armed with only an address and phone number, Tess travels to a crumbling mansion in rural Quebec, where she discovers evidence of mistreatment of mental patients. She also makes an unlikely ally and gradually unearths her family’s sad history—and finally accepts the truth about her paranormal powers.

Armstrong has this wonderful way of really getting the reader pulled into her characters and this short book is no exception to this rule. The Unquiet Past focuses on a young orphan girl looking for answers about her past and in turn gets a mystery and adventure. 

This book was not entirely what I expected of it - seeing the cover and reading the synopsis, I was thinking more horror than mystery. That being said, I love a good mystery and this holds up pretty well in the genre. 

Tess was a little naive at times and that made me want to whack her in the head but otherwise she was a great point of view for this story. We follow her through her story as she tries to piece together what happened to her parents, and really it is about the adventure and the journey. Once you find out what happened it is brushed over and then the story ends - thus the 4 and not a 5 star rating. 

Overall this was a semi-spooky, mysterious book, that I very much enjoyed. If you are a fan of mystery I think this will be for you.


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