
Sep 18, 2015

Bloggiesta: Accomplished So Far
"The idea behind Bloggiesta is to spend four days working on perfecting your blog and connecting with other bloggers who are doing the same thing. Spread the word and get all your friends to come and fiesta with us!"

Thursday/Friday Accomplished Tasks:
  • Back up the blog
    • Done and done, this is always the easiest thing and I ALWAYS forget.

  • Update my "Reviews by Author" Tab
    • I have been avoiding this task since June and I did a lot of reviewing over the summer for the Crazy for Summer Read-a-thon which was followed by ARC August, so there were a lot of additions. I am feeling great that this is done now. 

  • Update my TBR spreadsheet
    • I starting doing this task and am very close to finishing :)  

  • Clean up my inbox 
    • I used the wonderful Mini Challenge here -> Clean Up Your Email from Aloi at Guiltless Reading

  • Visit as many Bloggiesta blogs as possible (IF NOT ALL) to cheer people on :) 
    • DONE! unless more people join - Up to #69 on the Linky. Some were harder to find, some weren't even Bloggiesta Links, and some were duplicates BUT I love going through to all the people and commenting.


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