
Sep 30, 2015

Blog Ahead: Planning List

Blog Ahead 2015

I am not even sure what I am getting myself into, but for the month of October I will be participating in Blog Ahead, a challenge hosted by herding cats and burning soup and Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Here are the details, borrowed from the lovely Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer...

Purpose: Increase the number of scheduled blog posts you have ready to publish by 31 posts during the month of October. (You can set your own goal) All post will be scheduled from November 1st or later.
Who Can Join: Any blogger or author can join. Brand new, been around for years.Blogger, WordPress or other platform. Any heat level, genre or theme, etc. If you blog…you’re welcome to join.
Types of Posts that Count: Any finished posts count! Meme, review, guest post, interview, discussion. Top Ten Posts, Favorites posts, Shopping Guide Posts, Cooking posts, pet posts, photo posts, etc. Posts do NOT have to be book related.
Required: The post must be complete and scheduled from November 1, 2015 onward. (So not just blurb, buy links, etc for a review post. The review needs to be complete for the post to count.)

So here are my goals for Blog Ahead.

I hope to complete 31 posts that will include the following + some others:
  • Ho Ho Ho Read-a-thon Goals Post (11/6)
  • Kid Athletes Review (11/17) - drafted so far/ awaiting my review
  • Waiting on Wednesday Posts (for the 9 weeks of Nov. & Dec.) - Done with all these :)
  • 'Series I Need to Finish' Post
  • Drones Review (11/27)
  • Thanksgiving Post (11/26)
  • 'Books you will shun me for not reading' Post
  • Discussion post, topic TBD
  • Recommendations post
  • Movie Mondays, new feature (@ least 4 weeks worth) - 2/4 posts done
  • Blogger Pet Profiles, short series (maybe Linky for others to join?)
    • Rolo, Cooper, Shreki & Timmy
  • Happy Holidays Post (12/1)
  • Merry Christmas Post (12/25)
  •  Anything else that comes up :)
I will be tracking my progress as I go with strike thorugh here and on the sidebar with my the pumpkin/bats tracker (yay for Halloween themed things).

Wish me luck!

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