
Aug 25, 2015

Early Reader Review: Stay! A Top Dog Story by Alex Latimer

Stay! A Top Dog Story
Stay! A Top Dog Story by Alex Latimer
Publisher:  Peachtree Publishing
Publication Date:  September 1, 2015


Format: ebook
Source: Netgalley and Peachtree Publishing in exchange for an honest review. Receiving this book in no way alters my opinion or review.



Goodreads Synopsis: 
Grandpa is looking after Ben's mischievous dog, Buster. Who will be top dog?

Looking after Ben's dog, Buster, is no walk in the park. Buster is messy, he is naughty, he is EXHAUSTING! But Ben loves him more than anything. When Ben goes away, he tells Grampa exactly how to look after Buster. But has Ben remembered the most IMPORTANT thing?
Stay! is a clever little book about owning a pet and how kids and parents see that pet - where adults can find them a pain, kids see past a lot of their flaws because they are a companion.  Ben is about to go on vacation  with his stressed parents and they have told him that he cannot bring Buster, their dog. So instead Ben must write a list for grampa about what may happen while they are away - all the things Buster likes, dislikes, things to do with him etc. Sadly, Ben still forgets some important things, luckily Grampa knows how to handle it. 

This was a very cute story about a kid and his dog and the different ways to react when a pet is misbehaving. It was very cute, very colorful, and all the drawings were marvelous. As a dog owner and lover, I highly recommend this cute book.


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