
Jan 16, 2015

Winter 24 Hour Read-A-Thon 2015 

I'm getting geared up! This weekend is gonna be crazy/bloggy busy!

So why not make it more fun with reading!?

Here is my TBR and updates for the 24 hour Read-a-thon...

First I need to finish:

A Broken Fate (A Beautiful Fate, #2)

Then I hope to read:

Loki's Wolves (The Blackwell Pages, #1) 


And then maybe I will read this if I get through all the others:
Breaking Angelina (Paranormal Investigations, #1.5)

I am so excited I haven't done a Read-a-thon in FOREVER!
:D yay for Read-a-thons!

Beginning Questionnarie
1. What books are in your TBR pile for the Read-A-Thon? - See above
2. What are you eating or drinking during the Read-A-Thon? - Coffee, lots of it :)
3. How are you going to keep yourself awake during this challenge? - Coffee and probably walking around my house while reading.
4. What book are you looking forward to reading the most?- Hellhole, It looks funny!
5. How many books do you want to read? - 4 if I can stay awake
6. Where in your house will you get comfortable to curl up and read? - in my living room on my couch with my dog and cat and a fuzzy blanket.
7. Have you participated in a Read-A-Thon before? - yes, but it has been over a year.
8.What will you be wearing so you are comfy and cozy to read? PJs!
9. What are you looking forward to most about the Read-A-Thon? -reading ALL the books! and all the great people participating together
10. Where will you be updating what you read (twitter, goodreads, youtube or blog)?  Here on the blog.

@ Hour 1:
 Time Read: 0 minutes... I fell asleep (...already failed at this) The way I figure, it was a nap before really starting. Now I am off...
Currently Reading: A Broken Fate
Pages Read of Current Book: 30% (before Read-a-Thom)
Total Pages Read:0
Books Read: 0
Location: Living Room Couch
Food/Drinks: none
Challenges Completed: none.

Hour 2 Challenge - Picture of TBR (2 books are on my iPad)
Hour 5 Challenge - A Book Rainbow

@ Hour 5:
 Time Read: 4 hours
Currently Reading: Hellohole by Gina Damico
Pages Read of Current Book: 40
Total Pages Read: Um 70% of an ebook, and 40 pages
Books Read: 1
Location: Living Room Couch with a sleepy doggy who hates that I am awake
Food/Drinks: Coffee!
Challenges Completed: Hour 2 and Hour 5 

Hour 8 Challenge- Poem with Book Titles


@ Hour 10:
Time Read: 8.5 hours total
Currently Reading: Loki's Wolves
Pages Read of Current Book: none yet
Total Pages Read: 70% and 352 pages
Books Read: A Broken Fate by Cat Mann, Hellhole by Gina Damico
Location: Still on the couch in the living room
Food/Drinks: coffee and cinn. rolls
Challenges Completed: Hours 2, 5, and 8

@ Hour 15:
 Time Read: 10.5 hours total, I took another nap and stopped for food and to hang out with my hubby who is letting me read all day like a crazy person (I love him)
Currently Reading: Loki's Wolves
Pages Read of Current Book: 159
Total Pages Read: 70% and 511 pages
Books Read: 2 -- A Broken Fate by Cat Mann, Hellhole by Gina Damico
Location: Still on the couch -- so comfy, I have a pile of blankets
Food/Drinks: I had eggs and bacon for lunch and some diet coke (So healthy, I know)
Challenges Completed: Hours 2, 5, 8 and 11 (which was to READ!)

Hour 17 Challenge: Book Tower! 

Hour 20 Challenge: Selfie with Fave Book (Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk)

Hour 20:
 Time Read: 14 hours total
Currently Reading: Breaking Angelina by Rita and TJ Webb
Pages Read of Current Book: 50%
Total Pages Read:120% and too many pages to math right now..
Books Read: A Broken Fate by Cat Mann, Hellhole by Gina Damico, Loki's Wolves by K.L. Armstrong and M.A. Marr
Location: Still on the couch, but I have been up and about more. I rand to the grocery store for a bit.
Food/Drinks: diet coke, chicken and rice
Challenges Completed: Hours 2, 5, 8, 11, and 17

Hour 23: Book Spine Poetry

Hour 24:
 Time Read: 14.5 hours total
Currently Reading:
Breaking Angelina by Rita and TJ Webb
Pages Read of Current Book: 60%
Total Pages Read: 130% of ebooks and 702
Books Read:
A Broken Fate by Cat Mann, Hellhole by Gina Damico, Loki's Wolves by K.L. Armstrong and M.A. Marr 
Location: couch then my bed (in which I proceeded to fall asleep and get no more reading done)
Food/Drinks: hot chocolate
Challenges Completed: Hours 2, 5, 8, 11, 17, and 23

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