
Sep 22, 2014

Bloggiesta: End of the Line

Another Bloggiesta come and gone...

Here is what I accomplished: 
I did back up the blog

Prep some reviews - I wrote/prepped 3 reviews (some progress)

Update my TBR sheet - I did this a bit, I do have more to add though.

Update my "Reviews by Author" Tab - yay did it, I hate this task... such a pain.

Do some mini challenges - most of what I did was read the posts and reflect on how I was going to utilize everyone's awesome info :) - thank you!

Visit as many Bloggiesta blogs as possible to cheer people on :)  - I got to 52 people. I am sorry to those of you after #52 on the linkup... next time the goal is EVERYONE!

Here are the items that were left untouched (sadface:
Clean up my inbox - DID NOT HAPPEN ...wa wa waaaaa :(

Participate in a Twitter Party - I couldn't :( -- I meant to but I had family in town over the weekend and it just didn't happen.

There was so much that I hoped to get done this past week and work and family kind of took over - which was fine, but I missed playing in the blogging community. I hope everyone had a wonderful time... 


  1. I know how you feel-work took over for me this week too. But you still achieved so much-well done! Thanks for visiting my blog the other day.

  2. Congratulations on everything you did get done! I barely made it to a twitter chat since I had company coming over, but I managed to slip one in right before they showed up.

  3. Wow, I didn't even realize there were that many participants! I guess I should have checked back more often. Looks like you got quite a bit done!

  4. Wow.. you got to 52 blogs!! There is really great that you took to the time to visit them.

  5. Gosh, you got a lot done despite the family visit - congratulations! And I agree with Angela, it's really great that you took the time to visit 52 blogs!
