
Jul 27, 2014

Building the Book Pile #101

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 

What's Happening?! 
It has been a long week! After returning from my mom's last weekend and throwing myself back into work stuff, I have been exhausted, but I have been reading a lot so that is nice. This week I started and finished a book and am about 2/3 the way through another.

Saturday we did more work on our outside patio, toting pavers and bags of pebbles was rough and I am achey but it looks great and we are almost done. 

How was your week ? Let me know in the comments.

Giveaways Going on NOW! keeperbanner
Save 20% at Gone Reading! with this code : C2C20
Click pic/link to be taken to the giveaway!
Others may be linked on the right sidebar :) check them out!


Coming up on the Blog... 

  • Cover reveal: Breathe and Shimmer by Elena Dillon (YA)
  • Early Reader Review: I Was the Cat by Paul Tobin (Graphic Novel)
  • Early Reader Review: Get Lost, Odysseus! by Kate McMullan (MG)

Books This Week
 Die for Me (Revenants, #1)  Loki's Wolves (The Blackwell Pages, #1) 
First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson, #1)
Die for Me by Amy Plum (Hardback)
Loki's Wolves by Armstrong and Marr (Hardback)
First Grave on the Right by  Darynda Jones (Paperback)

For Review Consideration
The Stern and Wild Ones (Seeker Series, #1)  Bad Magic 
The Stern and the Wild Ones by Resse Evhans, from the Author
Bad Magic by Pseudonymous Bosch from Netgalley and Little, Brown Books for review
Covers go to Goodreads

Have you missed anything lately?

  Comment and leave me a link to your Round-up/ STS/ Weekly...anything post and I will happily stop by and say hello!

 Happy Reading!


  1. Ooooh, I LOVED Loki's Wolves!! But then again, I do love me some mythology ;) lol. I have not read Die for Me, but it does sound interesting... Great haul! :)

    1. Thanks! I love mythology too, so I hope I like it :)

  2. Ugh...yard work. I did that yesterday and ache all over. I guess I shouldn't have procrastinated so long. ;) I bet your patio looks great. I need to clean mine this week but again is so hot here. the covers for Die for Me and Loki's Wolves. Looking forward to your reviews.

    Have an amazing week!

    1. :) It is coming along nicely. the husband already said we are working more this weekend and I am dreading it :/

  3. Oh man, Steph, I can relate with the yard work. I live on 10 acres with two large ponds, a pool and a very neglected garden. It is so much to maintain. I'm really for winter so I can have a break! I'm really excited to see your review on The Stern and Wild Ones!

    1. Oh I cannot wait for winter! More days inside snuggles up with a good book... I love the outdoors but all this work is rough

  4. I would love to see I picture of your patio! I love yard work. Seriously I just enjoy it so much. I am always out in my yard doing all kinds of things.. weeding... gardening. Just love it!
