
Jul 11, 2014

A-Z Survey

The A to Z Bookish Survey is hosted by Jamie from The Perpetual Page Turner and recently was done again. I saw over at Great Imaginations that Bekka had done hers as a post versus the BookTube Video so I decided to join in :)

Author you’ve read the most books from…

Agatha Christie, I love her mysteries. I have been reading them since I was in Middle School so there are quite a few on my 'read' shelf.

Best Sequel Ever

Um, that is a hard one.... cannot really answer this one :/

Currently Reading

Copper Magic 
For a blog tour.

Drink of Choice While Reading

Coffee most of the time (In a mug like this one) or a sweet tea.
Nightmare Before Christmas Coffee Mug - Jack

E-Reader of Physical Books?

Really it depends were the book I need to read is :) I really like physical books though.

Fictional Character You Probably Would have Dated in High School

Hahaha I have no clue! I love the YA characters I read about and get all swoony when I read them but I don't really wish it were me in place of other characters. These types of questions always make me giggle. 

Glad You Gave This Book a Chance

The Glass Castle 
Such a wonderful book! I don't read a lot of Non-fiction but I read this one for an online book club (I think) and it blew me away!

Hidden Gem Book

I am not sure if it is hidden but I recently started reading the Rose series by Holly Webb and I love it!

Rose (Rose, #1) Rose and the Lost Princess (Rose, #2)

Important Moment in Your Reading Life

It is a toss up: When my mom realized I was a reader and introduced me to Agatha Christie or when I began my blog. They are both super important moments for me.

Just Finished Reading

I just finished listening to Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George and finished reading... Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison last week and some other kid books along the way.
Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George Goodnight Football by Michael Dahl Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison Chalk by Bill Thomson Fall Leaves by Loretta Holland

Kind of Books You Won’t Read

Erotica and Christian Fiction, on VERY rare occasions will I make the exception. And I am not all that good with Romance - YA is fine but none of the adult stuff really...

Longest Book You’ve Read

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling, 870 Pages.

Major Book Hangover Because of…
All the Harry Potter books, I binge read them when I got each one... after staying up for the midnight releases.

Number of Bookshelves You Own

3 but I need more. I have one tall one and two short ones.

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J.K. Rowling, I read it every few years.

Preferred Place to Read

I read everywhere but I love reading on my couch or in the bathtub.

Quote that Inspires You or Gives You All the Feels

“We are all born mad. Some remain so.”
Samuel Beckett

I love this one :) It is not always a bad thing to be a little off-kilter.

Reading Regret

That I do not really read a variety of things, I really do stick with YA and MG.

Series You Started and Need to Finish (that’s completely published)

So many -- Wicked Lovely (one more book), Darkness Rising (need to read #2-3), Curse Workers (Need to read the last book), Sookie Stackhouse (I think I have 3 books left), the last book of the Hush, Hush series -- these are just a few...

Three of Your All-Time Faves

Some old faves and a newer one. I loved the Book Thief it was a beautiful and emotional read. Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express is one of my favorite Poirot mysteries, and my al time fave is The Monster at the end of this book - My grandfather used to read it to me with Grover voice it was wonderful :)

The Book ThiefMurder on the Orient Express (Hercule Poirot, #10)The Monster at the End of this Book (Sesame Street)

Unapologetic Fangirl for…

Chuck Palahniuk, I heart his books, even his bad ones.

Very Excited for this Release, Above All Others

Talon (Talon, #1)

Worst Bookish Habit

I am a book hoarder.... I do not like to let books go ever, not to people to borrow or to giveaway... I want them all forever :/

X Marks the Spot:  Start at the Top Left of Your Shelf and Pick the 27th Book

I will have to look... I am not at home writing this post so :/

Your Last Book Purchase

I had a coupon so I bought these two for the price of shipping: 

Tiger Lily Sweet Peril (The Sweet Trilogy, #2)

Zzzz Snatcher: Last Book that Kept You Up WAYY too Late

All books, I like to read at night and into the late night...Some nights more than others but it not always the book that does it, it is my need to finish reading for posts and such too :)


  1. Wow, Steph! This was a cool post, I didn't know about this survey before. I would need to do it sometime in the future :) I learned a lot about you today <3 I think I may do a podcast version of this... so many interesting questions!!!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. oh a podcast of it would be awesome, can't wait to hear it!

  2. Love this post. Now I want to do it. :) One of my favorite childhood books is The Monster at the End of this Book. I still have my original books from (cough) way back when. I have been wanting to read Rose. Love the covers. Thanks so much for sharing it was a really fun post to read.

    1. :) yay for childhood faves :) thanks for stopping by I hope you can do an A-Z I would love to read it!

  3. This is a really cool post!

    Important Moment in Your Reading Life
    "It is a toss up: When my mom realized I was a reader and introduced me to Agatha Christie or when I began my blog. They are both super important moments for me."
    -I'm really glad you started a blog! It's been really fun to follow!

    1. :D aw thank you!!! I really appreciate you always being here to comment too :)
