
May 22, 2014

Early Reader Review + Giveaway!: Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer by Will Summerhouse

Orion Poe and the Lost ExplorerOrion Poe and the Lost Explorer by Will Summerhouse
Publisher: Shake-A-Leg Press
Publication Date:  May 22, 2014


Format: Paperback ARC
Source: From the author in exchange for an honest review.
Receiving this ARC did not affect my opinion of the book or this review.



Goodreads Synopsis: 
Eleven-year-old Orion lives with his stodgy grandfather in eastern Maine, where nothing exciting ever happens. But then a series of strange events draws him into the mystery of a lost explorer, and Orion is swept up in a whirlwind of adventure that takes him to the top of the world. To survive he must outwit a scheming treasure hunter, team up with a gang of flimps, and take on a tyrant with an anger management problem. Can Orion solve the mystery and get back home alive? And just what are flimps, anyway?

Orion Poe is about to find out. Join him as he laughs, cries, bluffs, and shoots his way to the heart of one of the greatest mysteries in the history of exploration. Along the way he discovers that the world is far bigger—and stranger—than he ever imagined.

Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer is a tale of adventure and suspense told from the point of view of Orion himself retelling the miraculous escape from an uncharted island. The second you start reading you are dumped into action with a mysterious man appearing during a severe storm off the coast of Maine. The man leaves something with Orion and tells him to protect it. Orion finds a map to an island that was believed to be the last known place of a man named Franklin, a great explorer who disappeared. Now Orion is on the hunt for the remains of this man and his crew only to find something he definitely as not expecting.

I think a young reader will love this book. From the first chapter on your are immersed in wonderful detail about people, places, objects and there is action galore, including gun fights, ships, running from wild animals just about everything you need in a good adventure.

The plot was just as creative. A historical missing explorer turned into an expedition to find him only to find the island holds more secrets than anyone ever knew! Wow! It as intense. Upon reading I originally thought this was going to be some sort of time-travel-y sci-fi thing and it turned out to be much better put together than that. I really enjoyed it.

The cast of characters were the only thing that dragged me down, and not for lack of character building or anything like that – there were just SO MANY… even with the wonderful detail it was kind of hard for me to keep track of all of them.

Wonderful adventure all around. Great read! 

And I am giving away my copy! It is signed by the so generous author and only slightly worn by yours truly from reading :)

Rules: 13 with parent permission or older, US only (Sorry shipping is $$), Enter using the Rafflecopter below!
  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This sounds like a fun and unique read for when I'm in the mood for an MG novel. I love these adventure books when I need a change of pace :)

  2. This looks like a fun book that my nephew and I could both enjoy.;) Thanks for the chance. P.S. I shared it on my FB.
