
May 1, 2014

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge: MAY 2014

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge May 2014
Happy May Everyone! 

Today is the beginning of the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge, hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Angela's Anxious Life.

Rules: Borrowed from Caffeinated Book Reviewer's sign up post

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge May 1 through May 31
  • Link-up and add button to your blog
  • Arc must be read between May 1st and May 31st, 2014
  • Challenge starts and ends at midnight in your local time zone
  • All ARCS/finished copies that were provided by publisher/author are eligible. They can be in any format (eBook, physical, audio)
  • Post start up post with goals.(can be posted during event)
  • Tweet using hashtag #CleanSweepARC
  • You do not have to post review on blog during the month of May. Just provide a link to Goodreads showing read May 1 to 31st with a two sentence review.
  • Twitter Party Wednesday May 14th 7pm (EST) #CleanSweepARC
  • Participate in challenges
  • The Participant Giveaway will include entries for each linked book read, posting about challenge, start up/results post (can be combined), having button on your sidebar, participation in Twitter party, entering challenges and for following hosts.
  • Grand Prize- One winner will receive a new release of their choice (can be audible, novel or gift card) valued at up to 20.00 US dollars. Open internationally.
  • Challenge Schedule and entry form will post on May 1st and participant giveaway will close on June 3 at 11:59 (CST)


Since ARC April was so disappointing for me, I am choosing some of the same books here they are (I swear I will read them this month)

I will be using strike-through to show progress :)

 Need to finish The Well's End by Seth Fishman  / Have had Defy by Sara B. Larson on my shelf for way too long

These Broken Stars (Starbound, #1)
Need to finally read this adorable book - The Enchanted Emporium: Suitcase of Stars by P.D. Baccalario  / These Broken Stars by Amy Kaufman and Meagan Spooner  - I have been trying to listen to this audiobook for months

I will add more when I finish these....

Dreary & Naughty: Friday the 13th of February Coffin Hill Vol. 1: Forest of the Night
 I am adding on a few Netgalley titles that I have had: Dreary & Naughty: Friday the 13th of February and Coffin Hill Vol. 1: Forest of the Night (I need to review these, Coffin Hill comes out on May 20th)

  Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer
I also need to read Orion Poe and the Lost Explorer - release date May 22nd!

As always, Happy Reading!


  1. The Enchanted Emporium looks so cute. I'm trying hard not to add to my shelves as I see everyone's list! :) Good luck with your goals!

    1. it does! I am excited to read it! So many people have great picks! Thank you!

  2. Such great plans!!! I am sure you will get through these books!! Have a lot of fun, good luck.

