
Feb 16, 2014

Building the Book Pile #79

Welcome to Building the Book Pile!  A Weekly meme inspired by Stacking the Shelves

Hello Readers, Bloggers, and Awesome people! 
What's Happening?!

WOW! This week was a wonderful one. I got a huge box of books from Lisi Harrison :) and Valentine's Day was this week and my husband gave me dragon mount in World of Warcraft (yes I am this nerdy) and it was an AMAZING gift :D.
How was your Valentine's? Do anything fun?! - Let me know in the comments! 

OH! And Valentines Day was my 2 Year Blogversary! 

Giveaways Going on NOW!

Click pic to be taken to the giveaway!

Others may be linked on the right sidebar :) check them out!


Coming up on the Blog...

Blog Blitz: Resurrection (YA) + Giveaway
 Blog Tour: Review-- Zoe & Zak and the Yogi's Curse (MG)
Blog Blitz: Resistance (YA) + Giveaway

Books This Week:

I won a giveaway and got this wonderful box from Lisi Harrison and Hachette Book Group. Included were the following:

Pretenders by Lisi Harrison - HB Signed

The Clique by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed
Revenge of the Wannabes by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed
Best Friends for Never by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed 
Invasion of the Boy Snatchers by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed   
The Pretty Committee Strikes Back by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed   
Dial L for Loser by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed
It's Not Easy Being Mean  by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed 
Sealed with a Diss by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed
Bratfest at Tiffany's by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed 
P.S. I Loathe You by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed which includes stickers in the back
Boy R Us by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed which includes a poster in the back
These Boots are Made for Stalking by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed which includes tattoos in the back
My Little Phony by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed
The Tale of Two Pretties  by Lisi Harrison - PB Signed which includes a poster in the back
For the Clique series on Goodreads: CLICK HERE 
Also in the box were stickers and some pens and a personalize note (all the books are personalized too) 
I also got some other mail and things:

Where Life Takes You  
Where Life Takes You by Claudia Y. Burgoa -- PS Signed

My Secret Valentine Card from Cindy @  Cindy's Love of Books
She sent a bunch of bookmarks and stickers :)

  Comment and leave me a link to your Round-up/ STS/ Weekly...anything post and I will happily stop by and say hello!

 Happy Reading!


  1. Wow, a whole box of Lisi Harrison books. She is actually a new to me author, but her books sound cute&fun. Owl bookmarks!! So cute~ Thanks for sharing and happy reading! :)

  2. I haven't played World of Warcraft. Shocking I know!! I want to... but I am not sure my Macbook will run it. My friend plays it all the time. I wish it would go to consoles. That would ROCK! Your secret Valentine sent some amazing things!!! I love all the bookmarks. I only sent a card to mine, but I got an international blogger and had no idea how much it was going to cost. In the end it was like $1 to mail the card. WHAT! I would've sent more if I had known that!

