
Jan 29, 2014

Graphic Novel Challenge Update #1

Graphic Novel Challenge Update #1

 So since normal comics count in this challenge I am already super ahead of schedule and will most likely be raising my goal. I choose Bronze with is 24 (2 a month) and in January I have already read 9 sooooo...yea... I'm an overachiever. 

I made a little counter that I will be adding to since I normally don't review my comics but I will post updated with tiny reviews about them as I go (if I can).

**January Comics**

These covers will go to Goodreads

Harley Quinn #1 (The New 52)The Steam Engines of OzSteam Engines of Oz #1  by


These two I did not write reviews for at all, however the Steam Engines #0 is available online HERE if you are interested it was a Free Comic Book Day comic.

Courtney Crumrin Volume 5: The Witch Next Door (Courtney Crumrin #5) 
Courtney Crumrin and the Witch Next Door (Volume 5) by Ted Naifeh  -- I love these and got this from Netgalley and the publisher, full review on the Blog closer to release date (April) 


Origin II (#1 of 5) by

Origin II #1 (Origin II #1 of 5)All I can say is: SO SAD.
I love stories of Wolverine, but this one was so depressing. Yes, i know that the Origin story has been done a few times, but really this one caught me off-guard and I was so upset. My husband warmed me I would cry and I did -- go figure.

The art was great and there were little to no words as the pictures tell the story very well for themselves. It is a sad story of the death of a family.


Forever Evil #2 (The New 52) Forever Evil #2 (The New 52) by

Forever Evil and the New 52 are turning things around with these comics, the villains are not your normal ones and you find yourself questioning if there are even good-guys left. I am loving where this story is going and the amount of characters in the series is both overwhelming and amazing all at once. 


Forever Evil: Arkham War #1 (The New 52)Forever Evil: Arkham War #2 (The New 52) by

Arkham War is a series running with Forever Evil and both are situating themselves for awesomeness. Arkham Asylum and the prison have been opened and the villains are taking over the city, but this series takes a new twist; while many are preoccupied with the secret society who released them, Bane is taking it as an opportunity to take over Gotham. Now it is villains versus other villains and how they come together in groups to try to resist all of the more-than-evil uprisings.

I really like how the characters interact with one another, they are all crazy (literally- they were just released for the asylum) and it makes for great entertainment


Forever Evil #3 (The New 52)Forever Evil #3 (The New 52) by

Harley Quinn #2 (The New 52)Harley Quinn #2 (The New 52) by


  1. Oooh, Harley Quinn is in her own series now? Interesting! I guess that means she's not in Suicide Squad anymore, eh? Has SS been cancelled?

    1. Yea Harley has her own now it is fun. I think Suicide Squad is still running with the New 52 as far as I know....

  2. Replies
    1. Yup! Andy gets them from work and I am SO excited to read them all :)

  3. I am really interested in the Harley Quinn comics. I can't wait for them to released in a volume!
    I saw Origin 2 at the comic book store the other day and loved the cover on it!! Lenore looks really cute!!! I want to read that now!!
