
Dec 21, 2013

Cover2CoverBlog's Winter Challenge!

Happy Holiday's Readers!

Now is the time where I start panicking, it is almost the new year and I still have SO MANY BOOKS to read!

I have some time off in the next two weeks, so I decided to share the love and create a way for all of us wonderful readers to get together and finish our reading goals (or add more to them) before 2014 arrives.

So what is in it for you? How about some books?! Even better, how about some money to buy books????

Have I got your attention?  $15 to Amazon for your choice of goodies. When 2014 hits I will use to choose a winner from those who linked up.

WANNA JOIN?! It's so easy, write a post (on your blog, facebook, twitter ...wherever) and link-up telling me what you want to read in the next 2 weeks! and keep me updated with how you do... #ReadALLtheBooks


  1. i do have challenge i want to finish becaus ehealth prevented me to read for weeks but not specific titles

    good luck in reaching your goals

    1. Feel free to link-up without any specific goals too, you may win a prize :)

    2. thank you a lot! and if only reading i should manage to do it ( i hope!)

  2. Are reviews mandatory or only the reading? :D

    1. Only the reading! Tweet at me as you go it you want and link up what you are planning to read, updates are optional :D

  3. I COMPLETED MY GOALS!! Thank you a lot for the additional motivation!
