
Oct 25, 2013

Early Reader Review: My Little Pony: Pony Tales Vol. 1 by Thom Zahler

My Little Pony Mane Tales Volume 1My Little Pony Mane Tales Volume 1 by Thom Zahler
Publisher: Diamond Book Distributors
Available: November 5, 2013


Source: Netgalley and Publisher for Review
Format: EBook

My rating: 
Goodreads Synopsis:
Six spotlights focusing on everyone's favorite Ponies! Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack each get a whole issue devoted to them.

Review: My Little Pony: Pony Tales Vol.1 is a set of stories told about each of the main Little Ponies from the new series. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack are all included. The book is divided up with a story for each and each story’s art is slightly different for each pony. Fluttershy’s pages are mostly pastels and soft, while Pinkie Pie’s are bolder and more in your face…much like Pinkie Pie.

The stories are cute and about various things, like friendship, believing in yourself, helping others, and working together. They were all morals shared with the show. Each of the ponies has their own identity and each is shown through their individual story. I really enjoyed reading this and giggling at the ponies. I mean, who doesn’t love these ponies?! They are hilarious and interesting.

Aside from the fact that everyone should love these characters the messages they send are respectable and important lessons and morals. I think all young children would benefit from this show, the books, and the comics in the My Little Pony line.

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