
Sep 5, 2013

Early Reader Review: Diary of Edward the Hamster 1990-1990 by Mirian and Ezra Elia

Diary of Edward the Hamster 1990-1990Diary of Edward the Hamster 1990-1990 by Miriam Elia
Publisher: Blue Ridge Press, Penguin
Available: Sept. 26th, 2013


Source: Netgalley and Blue Ridge Press
Format: Ebook
My rating:

Goodreads Synopsis: 
The darkly comic musings of a deeply thoughtful rodent—the perfect gift for pet lovers and anguished existentialists of all ages.

Review: Edward is a hamster, he is a writer, and he is miserable. This is the story of Edward, really his journal and experiences as a hamster, a miserable, trapped, hamster. I read a few reviews and a few people found this to be a funny little tale, but I found it a little depressing and sad…poor hamster.

Edward thinks of the outside world as freedom but cannot find it in himself to break free and leave his captivity. He is sad and lonely and trying to make sense of his situation, a pet hamster.

Edward has cagemates but they are not always to his liking ad his knowledge of freedom often is a burden. I think this is why the story seemed so sad to me. Edward does not like his home, his pet parents, or his wheel/ ball/ or maze and yet he is trapped physically and emotionally to them all.

Most of the book was made up of pictures and short little entries and they were both cute and interesting. I was hoping for less heavy words from Edward.

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