
Jul 8, 2013

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon Mini Challenge

Hello Read-a-Thon-ers! Today I am delighted to be hosting a Mini Challege for the 2013 Once Upon a Read-a-Thon. The Hosts are awesome go say hello to them, Candace, Lori, Angela & Loretta, and join the Thon!

Mini Challenge

For my mini challenge I would like to know...

1. Which book you are most excited to read in the coming year? It can be already released or coming soon.

2. Which book would you re-read if you had the time and weren't so busy reading ALL of the other good things?

3. and lastly, If you could meet any fictional character who would it be and why?

To Enter: On you Blog, Facebook or Twitter answer the questions and link me up on the link-up below. 

The Goodies: Why should you link-up? Because there are goodies to be had! One winner will receive a book of their choice from The Book Depository (up to $15) 

AND THE WINNER IS #32 Kristen from The Book Monsters! Congrats (you have been emailed)

Some Updates: Many of you cannot wait for Allegiant! I have yet to finish Insurgent, I feel so ashamed :/ Happy Read-a-Thon -ing!

Here are the details if you want to join us! (Borrowed from the ladies listed above)
It runs from 12:01 am on July 8th to 11:59 on July 10th.

What is a Readathon?

A Readathon is where you set a goal for yourself to read more books that is beyond your average number of books you read. There is no minimum, it’s all up to you, and you can read any book that suits your fancy! Push yourself to get some of those books read that have been sitting on your shelves for awhile!

Follow OUReadathon on Twitter!
If you have any questions please email: onceuponareadathon(at)


  1. Thanks for hosting this fantastic challenge, quite unique, and I love the question. How did you enjoy Aberrant by Ruth Silver (saw it on your sidebar) I actually really enjoyed that book :D

  2. Thanks for hosting this challenge & giveaway.

  3. Thanks for hosting a challenge! I'm going to try to participate in the challenge tomorrow, once my company heads home and I have a little time. :-)

  4. I entered! But I answered the question in the description bar below on my youtube video for update: day 1 :) I linked it up below but I also wanted to let you know so you could find the answers!

    Paige @ Comfort Books

  5. That was fun, thanks for hosting :D

  6. Awww I'm too late to link up. Thanks for hosting the challenge. I've answered your questions anyway on my blog Digesting The Words. I enjoyed answering your questions. It really got me thinking about the books I wanted to and have already read!

    Thanks again,

