
May 29, 2013

Armchair BEA: Day 2 -- Blogging!
Nina of Nina Read
Day 2 topic is blogs and development:
Day 2 we talk about how we develop ourselves as bloggers.  Have you branched out into your community? Do you partner with other bloggers?  Have you gone "pro" or begun supplementing your income through your blog?  Are you a long-term blogger, and how has your online personality developed over the years?  These are simply ideas.  Think development and tell us what comes to mind. From the Armchair Agenda

 I do not see myself and my blog as a source of revenue or a means to make money, I don't think I will ever "go pro" or anything like that. When I began blogging, the goal was just to have a hobby that I enjoyed and I would stick with.

I tried crocheting... too many knots and too much counting. I tried jewelry making... too many beads for my cat to go after. I have always been a reader. I was the kid with the flashlight under the covers and a teen with a book in her bag/purse/hand...where ever it needed to be. I met Andy and he thought it was interesting that I was a reader and would get enthralled in worlds far far away or not really there, he recommended the blog, he said 'hey you already read all the time, why not blog about it' I did and I love it. 

Yea, it has its perks...books! All the Books, E-galleys, Swag... It is pretty great, but I blog for the books, to share them with others, many may not even agree with my reviews but It is fun regardless.

As a blogger I have evolved a little since beginning. For example now I have something on the blog almost daily whereas before it was just reviews whenever I could. Now I partaking in Blog Tours, Blitzes, Reveals as well.

I also was just recruited by a friend to write book reviews for The Nerd Cave. It is a website full of all nerdy things: books, movies, shows, comics, tech, games, toys... all the fun stuff. I have a post every Friday and I think it is great for me to have multiple outlets.

Visit The Nerd Cave
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Overall, like I mentioned I do it for the reading... I do love the community and how tight we all are too, but I love to read and venture to far off places and live other lives through is always something new and exciting. 

<3 Gorelenore aka Steph


  1. Love the Nerd Cave! Congrats on writing for another site as well as your own blog!

    1. Thanks! I love the Nerd Cave too, they are all awesome people. Make sure to pop in daily for new nerdy fun!

  2. I'm glad you seem to have found your niche and are growing into your content and writing rhythm. Tattooed Books

    1. Thanks, it too a while but things are going well now. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. I tried crocheting and're right...too many knots.
    Books are where it's at.
    AH@Badass Book Reviews
