
Mar 27, 2013

Early Reader Review: Wish (Faerieground #1) by Beth Bracken

WishWish by Beth Bracken
Publisher: Capstone Young Readers
Available: April 1, 2013 (other editions available now)


Format: EBook
Source: Capstone Young Reader and Netgalley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Background: Willow Forest is a mysterious and magical place and Soli and Lucy have been told never to wish while there. The forest has a connection to Faeries and they will make your wishes come true, only not as you intended them. When Lucy betrays Soli, Soli accidentally makes a wish while in the forest and her friend becomes trapped in Faerieground. It is up to Soli to retrieve Lucy and right everything.

Review: I really enjoyed this read. It was beautifully illustrated and I have a love for all things faerie, so it was right up my alley. The text is interspersed with vibrant and realistic illustrations of the girls and their events and the story is set up more like a short story/ graphic novel combination. The lines of text are very short and to the point, make wonderfully for young readers. The story really embraces the 'be careful what you wish for' theme to the extreme and the idea that friendships should withstand even the most trying of circumstances.

The images along with the story are absolutely captivating and it is only the first in this easy to read and beautiful series. I recommend it for lovers of short stories, faeries, and middle grade readers.

View all my reviews



  1. I haven't heard of this one before, but I enjoy Faeries as well. I'm interested in seeing what the illustrations are like as well. Great review.

  2. I love illustrated MG books, and this sounds like a winner, particularly for MG students who struggle a little with reading. Nice review!

  3. I originally thought this was a YA title. It is also one that I have from NetGalley, but haven't had a chance to read it. After reading your review, I may read it with my two of my older kids since it sounds like something they would enjoy. Thanks!

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings
