
Jun 29, 2012

Recent Reads: The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

The Goddess Test (Goddess Test, #1)The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Background: Kate is about to loose her best friend, her mother, who has been sick for a long time. Since the time is near, her mother decides to move them both back to the town where she grew up, Eden. Once there Kate's mother takes a turn for the worst and Kate is left feeling alone in a new place, with a new school, and new people. Then, Kate meets James, a kid that follows her everywhere and Ava, the head cheerleader; both of her new acquaintances are a little strange and eager to hang out with her. On a trip with Ava, Kate meets Henry, who says that he can help her mother live for just a bit longer, all she has to do is agree to live with him and take some tests. If she passes, she becomes immortal, if she fails... all is lost...

Review: I started this book and in a few hours was finished with it and really enjoyed this modern take on Greek mythology. Kate was a strong female lead and the other characters had very distinct personalities.
Carter gives the characters modern names in place of their Greek god and goddess names, which I found interesting and a little intriguing.

OK - on to it: Characters- awesome, storyline- awesome, mythology- a little off but it worked.

Carter's story of a young girl striving to keep her mother alive is very touching, I found that a few times I was almost in tears because of the affection Kate has for her mother. I was happy that this was finally a book where the girl goes for the 'bad' guy, in this case Hades. Yay bad boys. The way the tests were incorporated into the story were entertaining and it was great to see Kate grow throughout her journey.

Already have Goddess Interrupted ready to read soon.

View all my reviews

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