
May 18, 2012

Recent Reads: The Keys to the Repository by Melissa de la Cruz

Keys to the Repository (A Blue Blood Companion Book)Keys to the Repository by Melissa de la Cruz

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Background: Keys to the Repository is a supplementary text in the Blue Bloods series. It gives an in-depth look into the Repository files and information regarding the vampires and their past lives.

Review: Rated 2 stars-- Interesting read, but it really did not tell me anything I did not already know. Yes, there were a few short stories that took place before and after other parts of the series, but I feel like those pieces when they were missing were intended to have a bigger purpose, and that my imagination filled in those gaps a little better than the stories told here.

I think that this book would be good for someone who is interested in the characters, who maybe has not read the series, but then some of it might also be confusing. I am really not sure what this was intended to give the avid readers of this series...luckily I borrowed it from the library.

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