
Mar 6, 2012

You might not know: The Prophecy Keepers Series

The Prophecy Keepers (The Prophecy Keepers, #1)The Prophecy Keepers by Melaine Bryant

My rating: 3 of 5 stars, Posted January 2010

I received Book 2 of this series through Goodreads book contest. I read this book in order to begin the next and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. There were a few typos which I caught, which is never fun, but that may be because I was reading an electronic copy. (Note: After posting this review on Goodreads January 2010 the author contacted me to tell her where the typos were so they could be fixed. Very nice woman.)
Bryant does a wonderful job setting up her story about Lisandra and Loki and how they are sucked into a world of fairies, prophecies, and dark magic. The characters all seem well rounded and Lisandra grows as an individual which is a nice change to most books for this age group, where the main character stays whiny and immature.
I loved this book and it was a quick read.I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys fantasy and young adult novels.

The Charm of Urizen (The Prophecy Keepers, #2)The Charm of Urizen by Melaine Bryant

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Charm of Urizen was another adventurous book, and I enjoyed this as much if not more than the last. The character development is wonderful and the plot line expands so that the story can go in any direction. I like Bryant's use many characters that surround and tie into the plot in different ways.
This young adult adventure may even have slight undertones of a relationship forming, I love it!

View all my reviews


  1. I think you're off to a wonderful start on this blog, Steph! Keep up the awesomeness!
