
Review Policy & Contact

 If you are an author/ publisher looking for a book review, please let me know via email:
Cover2CoverBlog (at) gmail (dot) com 

You NEED to include: Title, Author, Cover Image,  Book Synopsis, Page Count, and Genre in your email.

I accept Audiobooks, E-books and Physical Copies of Adult, Fiction, Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Youth genre books. I also read Graphic Novels and Comics.

NOTE: At this time, I am trying to only accept reviews without a hard deadline. I am trying to work my way through books sitting in my email and catch back up.
If you are interested in a review, please let me know if you have a hard deadline or if I can review at my leisure.

I read, but generally do not review, Erotica.
If you would like to mail physical copies of books, please email me for my address, I do prefer them (Thank you!).

What you/readers get in a review from Cover2CoverBlog...
  • Book information: Title, Series (if applicable), Publisher, Pub. Date.
  • Links to Goodreads page and Amazon book page
  • A rating - see below for more information / there is also a DNF (did not finish) option, if the book really isn't for me I do sometimes stop reading, reasons why will be in the review.
  • Synopsis  -  quoted from Goodreads
  • Review itself - will include what I enjoyed about the book, what I did not enjoy, a quick explanation of the audiences that I think will enjoy the book and why (so that even if I don't 'love it' there is still information on who might out there to the public)

My Rating Scale:

Didn't like it 

It was ok 

Liked it

Really Liked it

Loved it. Amazing read! 

Contact Links:

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