
Oct 1, 2018

October 2018 - TBR Pile

Not many because school is here!!! 

I would like to read these though if I can, one for a tour the other for me - both Middle Grade :)

Finchosaurus  Begone the Raggedy Witches (The Wild Magic Trilogy #1)

And here is a quick school supplies haul...
Over the years I always grab school supplies when I like what is out, so a lot of this I already had. Here are some things I love having: 
  • PaperMate Ink Joy gel pens in bunch of colors
  • I keep these in a Pen case that I got probably 15 years ago (no tags on it)
  • a notebook, I like to write things out by hand to learn them
  • I got a binder with some dividers for my syllabus and exercises - isn't it cute? It was on sale at Staples for $1 and had the frenchies on it.
  • I have a Bullet Journal that I keep and I have my Levenger discbound planner too - I like planning.
  • and this past year my mom got me some great pens - this one is a Pilot Metropolitan and she got me the standard black ink cartridges for it but I also have loose ink to swap out colors if/when I want to. 
  • Jack in the background is part of a set of Russian Dolls and he holds my binder and paper clips

What do you want to read this month?
Have you read any of these yet? 
If so, let me know what you thought! 

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