
Aug 7, 2018

Movie Time: 44 Pages

Sometimes I watch something that is not a comparison for Movie Monday, but I want to share my thoughts about it, so Movie Time!

44 Pages
Release Date: March 6, 2018
Watched: on Netflix, August 3


44 Pages is a documentary that I had no idea existed. It is all about Highlights magazine - you know the kids one that is always in doctors and dentist's offices. I would have given my left arm for a subscription when I was a kid, but it wasn't something that I ever had. I loved seeing them in doctors offices and I loved doing the puzzles - especially when you found one that wasn't already all circled and written on. I never wanted to write in them so that the next kid could play too and I used it as a weird memory exercise, could I remember the ones I already found?...

But back to why we are here, Highlight really does hold a place in so many children's lives and I was so excited to watch this movie about them. I learned so much, for example: 
  • They are still family owned.
  • They get about 3,000+ letters a year and reply back to all of the children that write them!
  • They are geared for ages 6-12, and have other magazines for younger audiences.e
  • The reason they are in doctors and dentist offices is because they almost had to close down and it was a clever idea one of the sons had.
  It is just amazing to me how well they have done over the years and how much impact they have on the kids that read their magazine. The people that work there seem genuinely happy. The movie shows their process and it looks like a lot of work and thought go into these 44 pages and it is amazing the dedication they have to it. 

I had such a wonderful time learning about the magazine that I really adored as a kid and I hope they are around for a long time.

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