
Mar 1, 2018

March 2018: TBR Pile

Ok so this month is Taking Control month. Gotta read a bunch of books that have been on the pile in the month of March. My goal is 10, it is far fetched but I am going to push it. If you are interested the sign up is open until Friday!

Take Control 2018 Button

These are the books that I NEED to finish and I will choose others based on how I am feeling.


 Otherworld (Otherworld, #1)  Dragon's Future (Dragon Courage, #1)  

This one doesn't count for the challenge but I need to read it for a tour.
 The Super Life of Ben Braver

What do you want to read this month?
Have you read any of these yet? 
If so, let me know what you thought! 

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