
Jun 30, 2015

Recent Reads: Vivian Apple at the End of the World by Kaite Coyle

Vivian Apple at the End of the World (Vivian Apple, #1)Vivian Apple at the End of the World by Katie Coyle
Series: Vivian Apple #1
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Publication Date:  January 5, 2015


Format: Paperback ARC
Source: From the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way alters my opinion or review of the book.




Goodreads Synopsis: 
Seventeen-year-old Vivian Apple never believed in the evangelical Church of America, unlike her recently devout parents. But when Vivian returns home the night after the supposed "Rapture," all that’s left of her parents are two holes in the roof. Suddenly, she doesn't know who or what to believe. With her best friend Harp and a mysterious ally, Peter, Vivian embarks on a desperate cross-country roadtrip through a paranoid and panic-stricken America to find answers. Because at the end of the world, Vivian Apple isn't looking for a savior. She's looking for the truth.
When I read the synopsis for this book I was curious about how the author would portray this Rapture and the events afterward and so I wanted to read the book. I am not sure if I will continue this series though. Granted I found this first book enjoyable. Here is where I struggled - the parents are crazy! and even if they are in a cult wouldn't most parents make their children participate as well?... I mean if I was Vivian's age I think mine would have made me go with them - it is kind of like church, they go, you go but maybe I am just crazy too... who knows.

Anywho, on with the review - Vivian Apple suddenly finds herself without her parents in a post-rapture world. She doesn't know what to do, where they are, and she wants answers. After a few false steps, Vivian finds herself on a journey to the cult leaders secret compound to find out the true about her parents and the rapture and what she finds is SO not what she expects. 

Vivian, the main character, was a good one. She starts as this shy wallflower and emerges into this take-charge, taking names girl in the post-apocalypse. She was interesting and I enjoyed her tale but I was more excited about her diverse best friend Harp, who used to be the take charge and slowly disintegrated in the aftermath. I found her to be a stronger character - she had a lot of influence - and she wasn't white - so rare in YA. Loved it. Then there is Peter, he seemed good enough in this book but I wasn't swooning...

Overall I thought this was a cool take on this what-if scenario. I think these teens acted accordingly given the situation and I think the book was good - but like I said through it all I kept thinking 'my parents would have made me...'


Jun 29, 2015

Recent Reads: Harley Quinn #17 by Amanda Conner

Harley Quinn (2013-) #17Harley Quinn: The Gang of Harleys! By Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti
Series: The New 52, Harley Quinn #17
Publisher: DC Comics
Publication Date:  June 10, 2015


Format: Paperback Comic
Source: Bought, Own



Goodreads Synopsis: 
They’re here—the Gang of Harleys has arrived! Because the world demanded more Harley Quinn, Harley has answered the call—will a dozen more Harleys do the trick? Meet Carli Quinn, Harley Queen, HanukQuinn, and many, many, MANY more in a story that will have your sides splitting!
As if these comics could not get any more crazy. Harley has banded together a group of Harleys to fight crime around the city - I guess this is another stunt after she was Powergirl's sidekick in earlier issues. She wants some vigilante justice in her own homicidal kind of way.

I love Harley and I love these comics they can always throw me for a loop. Just when you think you know whats about to happen the writers throw in some crazy, off-the-wall, nonsense that is hilarious. I can't say much more without giving away this wonderful ending but lets just say - you are going to want to pick this one up.


Jun 27, 2015

Crazy for Summer Readathon Day 7

I am on Vacation this week and was planning to read anyway and then I found this amazing Readathon! It runs from June 21st to June 27th and is hosted by Tessa and Max @ Crazy for YA. (Click that link to sign up!)

This week I plan to read ALL the things (or a least a big chunk of them) and participate in the Daily Challenges and Posts.

DAY 7 Challenge: Guess the Last Line
To make this a little easier but not too easy - I will be choosing last lines from the books I have read this week, so it is matching :)
Here are your answer choices...

a. A Shade of Vampire (A Shade of Vampire, #1)    b. Persephone (Daughters of Zeus #1)     c. Atlantis Twisting Tides    d.Flicker  
e. From the Ashes (Legend of the Liberator #1)    f. A Brave Day for Harold Brown    g. Vivian Apple at the End of the World (Vivian Apple, #1)

Here are your clues...
  1. __ "A woman with my own mind."
  2. __ "The with a small pop the petals of the flower burst into the air"
  3. __ "Someone was watching me."
  4. __ "The cool, dark cavernous room returned to a state of calm." 
  5. __ "She lead me up the hill, to where the car was parked, and we head out into the dying wold to find Peter." 
  6. __ "Blood will be shed."
  7. __"Oh, Harold." 

DAY 7 Progress:
# of books finished: 2 comics
# of pages read: 54

Readathon Re-Cap 
I read...  

All the books above for the Last Line Challenge and in addition, I read: 

Harley Quinn (2013-) #17  Calico Joe  Amulet, Vol. 1: The Stonekeeper (Amulet, #1)  Rick and Morty #3  Odd Schnozz and the Odd Squad

Here are the Achievements I completed:
On Friday I read Calico Joe - from my library, on Thursday I read over 400 pages, and read three books which pushed me over the 5 book TBR Tackler point :)

Overall Progress:
# of books finished: 9 +3 comics
# of pages read: 1504

Jun 26, 2015

June 2015 Write-On Reviewathon: Plans and Progress

Write On Review-a-Thon  

The Write On review-a-thon is a monthly event created and hosted by Brianna at The Book Vixen. It’s 2 days dedicated to getting reviews done, whether you have one review to write or 30+. This edition of the review-a-thon takes place all day Friday, June 26th and Saturday, June 27th. Let’s get those reviews done!

Since I have been reading for a readathon this week (and still am) I have SO many reviews that need to get done so I am overlapping the last 2 days of my readathon with a reviewathon! -- Here is my list:

Used Strikethrough to show Completion :)

I need to write reviews for:
  • Vivian Apple at the End of the World by Katie Coyle
  • A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest
  • From the Ashes by Shelby Morrison
  • Flicker by Rob Hunt
  • Atlantis Twisting Tides by Allie Burton 
  • ...probably more to come as I keep reading.... 
    • Calico Joe by John Grisham 
    • Rick and Morty #3
    • Amulet #1 by Kazu Kibuishi
    • Odd Schnozz Chapter 6 by Jeffery Burandt

Crazy for Summer Readathon Day 6

I am on Vacation this week and was planning to read anyway and then I found this amazing Readathon! It runs from June 21st to June 27th and is hosted by Tessa and Max @ Crazy for YA. (Click that link to sign up!)

This week I plan to read ALL the things (or a least a big chunk of them) and participate in the Daily Challenges and Posts.

DAY 6 Challenge: Recommended Reads

So this week I have been reading some great books but I will also include some pre-readathon books :)

 Readathon Picks

A Shade of Vampire (A Shade of Vampire, #1) 
  • A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest - really enjoyed, it is your typical vampire book - girl gets taken is seduced by a vampire who isn't quite like the rest. BUT a very good one and fairly short too. (Other YA Vampire options [that aren't Twilight] - Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel and Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz)
Persephone (Daughters of Zeus #1)
  • Persephone by Kaitlin Bevis - Also really enjoyed this one, another retelling of Persephone and Hades but a really good one. It was an interesting twist on the normal tale and I was enthralled (Other options if you like YA mythology: Goddess Test by Aimee Carter, The Beautiful Fate series by Cat Mann)
 Pre- Readathon Picks
Derailed (Clayton Falls, #1) 
  • The Clayton Falls series by Alyssa Rose Ivy - a New Adult series, very good though.
Behind the Bookcase
  • Behind the Bookcase by Mark Steensland - a wonderfully imaginative Middle Grade read (Also recommend: Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein)
Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)
  • and last but not least my favorite series,  Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr - Faeries! I love books about faeries and I loved this whole YA series. (Also recommend: Lament by Maggie Stiefvater, Tithe by Holly Black)
DAY 6 Progress:
# of books finished: 2
# of pages read: 390 (so far) :)

Overall Progress:
# of books finished: 9 + comic
# of pages read: 1450

Jun 25, 2015

Recent Reads: A Brave Day for Harold Brown by Mishana Khot

A Brave Day for Harold BrownA Brave Day for Harold Brown by Mishana Khot
Publisher: Mishana Khot
Publication Date:  August 31, 2014


Format: ebook
Source: From the Author in exchange for an honest review. This in no way has altered my opinion or review.




Goodreads Synopsis: 
All Mr. Brown wants is a nice cup of tea and a peaceful evening with his cat on his knee. He’s too old for love and adventure. Or so he thinks.

This morning when Harold Brown woke up, it seemed like a normal day. Why would a 50-year old man feel anything about a circus coming to the quiet town of Limberlost? But BonBon Circus has brought a Bengal tiger, and Harold’s never seen a tiger before. When he decides to disrupt his routine to visit the circus, it sets in motion a few other changes, all leading up to one thrilling day. Will Mr. Brown’s life ever be the same again?
This was a very cute story about an old man who never takes chances, has the same routine every day without fail and suddenly is taken aback by the urge to go out and do something. In this tale Harold Brown notices a circus in town and wants to visit to see the tiger this and all the strange turns of events lead him to an amazing adventure.

I really enjoyed the novella and honestly I wanted more when I got the the end. It felt a little incomplete to me, but that is often how novellas are. Harold was a very myterious main character, I wanted to know more about him and his life but couldn't in the context of this story. I also wanted to know more about the circus - seems so interesting. 

Overall the adventure was a wonderful one about taking risks and just going for it and not being afraid to get outside your comfort zone. Very fun, quick read.


Crazy for Summer Readathon Day 5

I am on Vacation this week and was planning to read anyway and then I found this amazing Readathon! It runs from June 21st to June 27th and is hosted by Tessa and Max @ Crazy for YA. (Click that link to sign up!)

This week I plan to read ALL the things (or a least a big chunk of them) and participate in the Daily Challenges and Posts.

DAY 5 Challenge: Guess Who?
Same as the kids game, I will give you clues you have to guess the book character - feel free to do so in the comments. Answers will be added on Day 6 to the post. I have included some semi-hidden clues if you need help so highlight to the end of the clue set if you need it.

1. I live in a fantasy world, I come from a series, and am joined by two brothers and two sisters, I am an animal: Who am I? 
A: Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia - join by 2 sisters and 2 brothers in Lion, Witch and Wardrobe.

2. I am female and a wizard know-it-all, I am friends with the one who survived: Who am I?
A: Hermione

3. I am a little girl with horrible parents, a scary school, a teacher who supports me and I LOVE books, I am from a Dahl book: Who am I?
A: Matilda

4. I am a vampire boyfriend in a popular series, I am overly brooding, I happen to sparkle: Who am I?
A: Edward Cullen

5. I am tiny and have big feet, I am an uncle, I live in the Shire: Who am I?
A: Bilbo Baggins, from the Hobbit

DAY 5 Progress:
# of books finished:3
# of pages read: 416

Overall Progress:
# of books finished: 7 + comic
# of pages read: 1060

Jun 24, 2015

Crazy for Summer Readathon Day 4

I am on Vacation this week and was planning to read anyway and then I found this amazing Readathon! It runs from June 21st to June 27th and is hosted by Tessa and Max @ Crazy for YA. (Click that link to sign up!)

This week I plan to read ALL the things (or a least a big chunk of them) and participate in the Daily Challenges and Posts.

Skipped Day 3 Activity :/ I had a decent enough day but by the afternoon started a migraine coming on and even after I took something it lasted all night so I was super sick. It is horrible BUT here is my progress from yesterday up until that point.

DAY 3 Progress:
# of books finished: 1 + Comic
# of pages read: 215

Overall Progress:
# of books finished: 4 + comic
# of pages read: 627

DAY 4 Challenge: Twitter Book Summaries 
(in 140 characters summarize books)
I only did a few but these were SUPER fun!

 dystopia girl on mission fights for family Capital=evil controlling playing a game with lives  for the rebellion <3

 Dorothy swept away to unknown land    must help her home  ?

You're a  Harry! We don't talk about  

DAY 4 Progress:
# of books finished: 0
# of pages read: 17 I wasn't feeling the reading :/

Overall Progress:
# of books finished: 4 + comic
# of pages read: 644

Kick-Start Your Summer with FREE Books!

Ahh, summer. It's finally here. Hot days, tall glasses of lemonade, and the perfect time to dive into a good book...for FREE!

Kick-Start Your Summer With These 10 FREE Must-Read Contemporary Novels From Some Amazing Authors!

Beautiful Beach Panoramic At Volunteer Point - Falkland Islands

Ready to feed your e-reader?

Lucky young woman with perfect male body

Where there’s a Stone, there’s a scandal.

Learn more about The Lust List Series on Mira's Website.
Connect With Mira Bailee Online:


Sometimes coming home is the hardest part...

Learn more about the series on Sarra's Website.
Connect with Sarra Cannon Online:
  5.5"X8.5" Post Card Template

Jack has some ‘splainin’ to do! Dog trainer Callie Lassiter's normally well-behaved Great Dane Jack has run off and done the wild thing with the neighbor's dog and now she's pregnant. It must be puppy love!

Learn more about the Going To The Dogs Series on Zoe's Website.
Connect with Zoe Dawson Online:

Opposing Sides - Small

I was falling, emotions first, in The Raven’s trap. And I didn’t try to stop myself.

Learn more about the University Park Series on C.M.'s Website.
Connect with C.M. Doporto Online:

BTM 150

Is a future together worth drudging up their past?

Learn more about Belong To Me on Laura's Website.
Connect with Laura Howard Online:
Derailed - Alyssa Rose Ivy

When you're lost, sometimes the only place you can go is home.

Learn more about the Clayton Falls Series on Alyssa's Website.
Connect with Alyssa Rose Ivy Online:


Make it Last is a second-chance love story about two people trying to find their way in life, and the friends that always support them.

Learn more about Make It Last on Bethany's Website.
Connect with Bethany Lopez Online:

Break You smallest - Jennifer Snyder

Together the two learn there are moments in life that hold within them all the power to break you...

Learn more about The Coldcreek Companion Series on Jennifer's Website.
Connect with Jennifer Snyder Online:

Summer Sky

Sky changed her life for a man once, and she has no intention of doing so again - even if he is a six-foot, tattooed rock god who makes a mean bacon sandwich.

Learn more about Summer Sky on Lisa's Website.
Connect with Lisa Swallow Online:

Paper Heart

Getting into her top choice sorority? Easy. Failing out of college? Oops.

Learn more about My Paper Heart on Magan's Website.
Connect with Magan Vernon Online:

Happy Reading!

Be sure to spread the word about these Must-Read #FREE Novels!