
May 12, 2012

Early Reader Review: Exiled by J.R. Wagner

Exiled (The Never Chronicles, #1)Exiled by J.R. Wagner
Available: NOW! May 5, 2012
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Background: James is accused of murdering his mentor and as a punishment is sent to The Never to live out the rest of his life. The Never is an alternate world, an island really, that has a mind of its own. James has never had a simple life. Ever since he can remember his family has been running in order to keep him safe, and now he is stuck in a different world. James is determined to make it back to prove his innocence and save his real world.

Review: This was a pretty quick read for me; I only wish I had had the time to read it in one sitting. The book is broken up nicely; we jump back and forth from what is happening to James now and things that occurred in the past -- to him, his mother, and his mentors. The most interesting are the chapters about James on the island, as he learns how it responds to the people that inhabit it. His determination to return home was the push that this story needed, it even made up for the slower chapters about him and his mother on the run. I loved the settings that were described, but I think that the character development has a ways to go; we learned a lot about James and a little about his mother, but his comrades on the island are a total mystery. I look forward to more in The Never Chronicles.

Exiled (The Never Chronicles #1)  Trailer:

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